
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just hanging around - pinboards.

This post was inspired by the lovely Olivia at Our Windy Spot, who showed some delightful pinboards in a recent post.

It got me thinking about all the pinboards we have in our home.

Miss B's sweet wire girl. Would you believe I picked this up in the local hardware store!

This lovely vintage frame was found tucked away in a Tasmainian antique store.

Master B has a canvas with string and pegs for his awards and special bits and pieces.

He also has one of these (I couldn't resist).

Our more serious big boy likes his neat and orderly!

And I like mine soft and pretty!
If I can work out how to do it I may add a tutorial on how to make the above pinboard.

Have a good weekend.

The Moerks


  1. I love notice boards and yours are fabulous. Yes, tutorial please! Have a lovely weekend.

  2. thanks for the compliment!! I LOVE your pinboards too. Gorgeous!

  3. You are now rated best blog in my world thanks to those St Kilda pics I just spied! My husband and I are big supporters of the Saints, we were at the amazing game last night..Go the mighty Saints!!! Love the wire girl too..Rachaelxx


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