
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tagged! 6th Photo

The lovely Kerry from A Tranquil Townhouse has tagged me to play the 6th photo game. So here it is from my very second post way back in March. March, has it only been March, it feels like longer.

This trust me,it is not a good photo. Terrible light, bad angle of Master B.  Not to mention, he hates having his photo taken when asleep. Especially after I videoed him snoring one night. Poor kid is scarred for life!!

We had been for a day trip to a lovely garden and homestead on the Glenelg River. The kids swam and kayaked and were carted around the farm in the back of an old ute looking at old shearers quarters, cook houses etc. It was a great day, but a little to much for our little man.

It's a pity, this wasn't the 6th photo.

These are the old steps up to the main house. There is a lovely old verandah overlooking the lawns that stretch down to the river. I bet those old steps and posts have some interesting stories to tell.

O.K. that's all from me. I am off to the big smoke for some training so I will have to tag some other bloggers at a later date.

The Moerks


  1. I think that's a lovely photo...and a prime candidate for Master B's 21st...he could be faced with much worse! Enjoy Melbourne.

  2. Ohh , they are extra sweet when sleeping. x

  3. I'm loving this blog game. What a cute photo, definitely one for the 21st birthday slide show I think! K xx

  4. Both gorgeous pictures. He'll like it when he's older and remembers where he was..Rxx

  5. Oh the little darling. It's a perfect photo. I'm a sucker for a sleeping child! A-M xx

  6. Hi I just wanted to thank you for popping over to visit my blog. You bloggy ladies are just so gorgeous. What a gorgeous pic of your boy.. can't wait to read more of your adventures. have a good day Kym X


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