
Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy 101 Award.

Well, great excitement here at the Moerks. Kym from Kyandra Rose has passed on the Happy 101 award to us.  Thank you Kym, I couldn't believe my eyes when I read your comment asking me to pop over to your blog for a little surprise.

Here it is........

It was lovely to be on a list with such esteemed bloggy ladies. Special mentions must go to Karyn at Hope Island Living and Dreaming, Rachael at a Room for Everyone and Kerri at Driftwood Interiors and Ness from McCarthy Designs.
 These ladies have been wonderful supporters right from my bloggy beginning.

Now ten things that make me happy - 

1. My 3 lovely, bouncy kids.
2. My lovely, very handy husband.
3. My Mum and Dad.
4. The rest of my family.
5. My scruffy puppy dog.
6. My gorgeous friends, talking, coffee etc.
7. My work.
8. My  playgroup and bookclub girls.(Don't think of a serious bookclub, more a chance to gossip and drink bubbly)
9. Picking fresh flowers from the garden.
10.Relaxing on the couch with a cuppa and dark choccy when the kids are in bed!

I really probably should have put, travelling and camping as this is why the blog started but I am officially in denial of "the trip" for the moment. All the preparing and packing is just way too daunting, so I will just continue immersing myself in happy blog land for now.

Now, I would love to pass the award on to

Kerry from A Tranquil Townhouse.( But now I see she has already been given it, and so she should. She makes me laugh and cry)

Olivia from Our Windy Spot
Janette from My Sweet Prints
Jaqueline from Zippy Zippy

If you get a chance please visit these lovely blogs.

Have a great day
The Moerks

PS. I hope I have followed "the rules" I wasn't really sure what they were so I kind of bluffed my way through!


  1. Congratulations Moerksters!! You make me happy too...and while you may be in denial about your trip...I can't wait for it! And thank you so much for your kind words about me (there may have been a little tear in my eye at that) :)

  2. Thanks for the special mention guys, I'm glad to have such lovely blog buddies. Hope you had a wonderful day today - and that those kidlets waited on you hand and foot! K xx

  3. Well a big thank you to la famille Moerk! How very kind you are. I totally agree with the Kerry, you may be in denial about your trip but you can't remain so for much longer because we're soon going to want all the details!!

  4. Thank you so much for the lovely mention! Congratulations on your award, it's about time! Rachaelxx

  5. Well done!!! Doesn't it just feel so special to get an award. Looking forward to seeing your desk makeover.

  6. Congatulations you deserve your blog and I hope you keep blogging on your road trip.. Kym X

  7. oh just found you through sharon- of the lovely french house x.......
    just wanted to jump in a 'follow' you and now pack to reading your older posts...

    melissa :)

  8. Congratulations on your fabulous award!! I love your blog and can't wait to keep up with you on your trip:) Enjoy your award and have a lovely week ~ Tina x

  9. Congratulations on your award and thanks so much for passing it on to me! Glad to have found your blog and look forward to following along! Deb

  10. Thank you so much for honoring me with this award!!! I'm so chuffed that you would consider my little blog one of your favourites!! :) :)
    Congrats to you for receiving the Happy Award!! I can't wait to check out your other favourite blogs :) (the ones that I don't already love, that is) :)


Thanks for visting Let's go Moerkabout. Please leave a little message I love hearing what you have to say :)