
Monday, May 24, 2010

Some little projects.

I actually had a day off last week. A day I would have normally been at work, a day of Time in Lieu. I decided that because I normally would not have been at home and not doing any housework that this was an entirely free day, guilt free.

What does a girl do on her day off?

She goes by herself to Spotlight. She wanders up and down every aisle, looking, touching everything she likes. She does not have to hurry in her lunch hour or keep an eye on little people, she just wanders and looks and dreams of all the wonderful possibilities.
So she wanders to the scrapbooking section. Does she scrapbook? No but the little pretty, shiny sticker things, call out "buy me, love me aren't we pretty?" So she does. Then the beady aisle, does she bead? no she just buys a few little whatsits.
Then the wonderful wool and yarn aisle. Does she knit? no just a little junior crochet. She just buys a few balls of wool.

Then as fast as she can, before school pick up, she makes

Some pretty rings and brooches.

 A little brooch made from the beading rings and a large pin.

And then contemplates how this (with a few added extras) may turn into...

Image - Attic24

This, on a very long drive around a very big part of Australia.

The Moerks
Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to thank Nellie from McCarthy designs for passing along the versatile blogger award. Thanks Nellie, hope you are having a great time touring New Zealand.
I have recently done the 10 things I love so I won't do it again for now.
I would like to pass the award on to 

Engracia at Lynwood Musings
If you get a chance, pop over and say hi to these ladies.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day to me...and what fabulous outcomes! I suspect the trip will reveal many more talents! And congrats on the award too.

  2. Oh, congrats on the award and on passing it on to me, I'll post my 10 things this week.
    Have a great day, looking forward to your trip by the way.

  3. Oh it's so nice to shop without distraction isn't it. I never appreciated it before Bub. I love your purchases! Can't wait to see what you do with the wool, that bag is super cute! Have a great Monday Deb!

  4. Guilt-free shopping, there's nothing like it!
    I love the things you made. Sounds like a fun day.

  5. I did that in Ikea last week , for the first time by myself just wandered around aimlessly for 3 glorious hours. How clever are you with your little projects ! I am a junior crocheter also. I would love to have a go at making that cute bag , its a treble stitch , am I right ?
    Karyn x

  6. love your thinking - i misssss spotlight!

  7. Congratulations on your fabulous award!! I love your brooches and rings and as for that wool turning into that bag, I know you have it in you!! I would love to have a go at one too, I just love Attic 24, Lucy is so inspiring! Nearly makes me want to do the 1.5 hr drive to Spotlight to grab some wool....! Hope you have a fabulous week! Oh how did your burlap project go? ~ Tina xx

  8. The brooches and rings are beautiful, I'm so impressed! Rxx

  9. Very pretty indeed. I like how you're thinking ahead for your trip. I expect to see a finished bag after your big trip!! Or an igranny or two...

  10. Oh you are clever and so creative. What a lovely day you had. A-M xx

  11. Love those brooches. Sounds like a pretty perfect, distraction-free day to me!

  12. Thanks for the award!
    I dont know what to say?
    I came over at what must have been too early on sunday night and didnt see anything so...
    its taken me til now to find out what you meant, sorry!
    Ill need some more time now because my 15 year old wants to take over the computer for now. Oh well.
    Thanks again (very exciting to recieve something like this) x


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