
Monday, May 17, 2010

The Trip - Gory details

OK time for me to come out of trip denial and face a few facts.

1. 12 weeks in a camper trailer, 1 husband and 3 kids (unless we lose a couple along the way)

2. 1 big plastic tub each for all clothes needed for 12 weeks.

3. 1 portable fridge, one esky , one food box.

4. It will be very very bloody freezing cold at night for the start of the trip.

5. There are big scary crocodiles in the Northern Territory.

6. There are biting insects like mosquitos and midges up North.

7. I am allergic to insect repellent ( yeah, really can' t use anything with DEET.)

8. I am allergic to sunshine (yep it has a proper name and everything) but I am prepared, I have cream for rashes and am not afraid to use it.

9. I won't be ironing for 12 weeks. Yippee.

10. Have to use other people's toilets for 12 weeks.

Okay that 's enough reality for now.

Mind you if we were travelling in this...............

Images- Constance the caravan via Attic 24

It would be kind of cool. 

And, crocodiles could probably not get up those steps. If they did I would offer them a cuppa. they would be so impressed they would forget to eat me!

The Moerks


  1. That's so exciting Deb, I can't wait to hear more of your plans. My husband is very jealous when i read your post to him this morning. He can't wait to buy a camper trailer and go bush with the kids.
    Have a great monday.

  2. ooh, that crocodile things gets me. I had a thankfully not too close encounter with a couple on Cape York. Gets the old heart pumping. Maybe they'll all be asleep when you get there?? But as you ironing!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful adventure , I cant wait to follow your trip ,I have seen more miles of other countries than our own , but with a bit of inspiration Im sure that could change.
    Karyn x

  4. That is one funky camper!
    I think I ant one :)

  5. number 5 and 10 would be enough for me to stay home... just kidding you will have a fantastic time, how great for your kids to see the country

  6. It's exciting, but you have to be congratulated on your guts! Can't wait to hear about the adventure when you are on your way!

  7. Crocs don't like tea, sorry Deb. I grew up with them and they're not very nice and they're stay away from river banks! Some of the toilets in the Territory are just holes in the ground too...Still want to go? (I'm laughing as I'm typing this..) It will be wonderful. The scenery up there is breathtaking. Can't wait to hear all about it.. Rachaelxx Oh, and those Saints, I refuse to pay $100 for babysitting any more to go and watch them lose!

  8. It's not the crocs that would worry me, but the state of the Ablution blocks in some of those Caravan Parks in the Top End!! Make sure you all wear your flip-flops in EVERY shower you use or you'll quickly discover the 'fun' of seeing green mould growing from between your toes!!
    Millie ^_^

  9. I am not sure you guys are helping me!!

  10. Have fun sounds like a total adventure. Take lots of pics :)

  11. Sounds fabulous to me! Love trips away! xx

  12. Sounds like fun! Love the line about losing a couple of kids on the way!

  13. Oh beyond excitement. Your kids will remember this forever. You sound so well planned... but us Mums have to be don't we... always scheming something. A-M xx

  14. Oh dear.. caravan park toilet facilities... that would put me off..

    You know I have a similar reaction to the sun and am allergic to some sunscreens just makes the rash worse... I know one of the B vitamins is suppose to make you 'untasty' to mozzies.. may be B1!! maybe you should try it.... you must be getting excited. xx Julie

  15. Just think, all of these things are only for 12 weeks...Just think how much you will appreciate your own bathroom when you get home ;) As for the ironing, I think I could just about put up with anything to get out of ironing for 3 months!! Can't wait to see what wonderful adventures unfold for you all on this fabulous trip. ~ Tina xx

  16. I'm really sorry I didn't see this post when it came up. THIS is the nitty gritty we want to hear about. We want more, although I don't mind if we don't hear anything further on the toilets!

    I think you're amazing Debbie, to even consider this sort of trip. I hope you'll be allowed to stop off at some civilised watering holes on the way. Can you tell us again exactly what route you're taking.

    My son drove from Perth to Darwin last year and LOVED it! And they were five squashed into a regular car. !



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