
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Big Boy

Our darling big boy turned 12 today. Just look at him. Isn't he gorgeous!

He has never been afraid to get his hands dirty!

Is a very hard worker.

A devoted big brother.

And a really great person.
Happy Birthday we love you heaps!


  1. Awww, what a gorgeous young man you have there Deb! Such lovely words from his Mum too!! I hope he had a wonderful birthday:)~ Tina xx

  2. All of that and a handsome heartbreaker in the making! Happy birthday Moerklet!

  3. I bet you can't believe he is 12 already!
    Great shots - he is a handsome chap, but of course, you already know that :)

  4. What a gorgeous boy you have..Happy Birthday little darling! Rachaelxx

  5. Happy birthday to a fine and capable young man... and his fine, capable Mum. He'll be a great help on your travels by the looks! Nearly a teenager! Eeek!

    Deb x

  6. Happy birthday to your gorgeous boy. My how quickly they grow. I think he's going to be a heart breaker....ladies better lock up your daughters....he he...have a great day Kym X

  7. I hope your son had a lovely birthday yesterday! He is a very handsome young man and you must be a very proud mum. xx

  8. A very happy birthday to your gorgeous big boy! They grow up so fast, don't they? My son is 16 and has his learners' licence - omg, watch out fellow drivers! Hope you enjoy the birthday celebrations! K xx

  9. Oh. He is lovely. They grow too fast. I hope he had terrific day.

  10. I hope you all have fun celebrating! A great age for your camping expedition. Enjoy!

  11. Happy Birthday to you boy!! Hope he had a great day... he must be looking forward to your trip.... lots of opportunity to get his hands dirty!!

    Thanks for your kind comment.. I really am a slow blogger these days and not keeping up .. Have a great week xx Julie

  12. Thank you very much for all the nice comments.big boy

  13. Hope your super cute little big boy had a fantastic birthday yesterday!!!


  14. happy birthday to your little cutie! hope he had the best day!!!!


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