
Monday, July 5, 2010

It's raining on the rock!

Hi there, you know the John Williamson song, "It's raining on the rock" well, it's all true. 3 states, over 2000 kilometres to experience Uluru and would you believe it's raining? No sunset, no sunrise just rain and cloud. Anyway, more about that later.

Day one, Thursday 1st July, 2010- Take off!

Here we are all packed up about to leave.
"Bye, see you in 3 months"

This is the view out the window, 10 mins out of town, thick heavy fog that didn't lift until lunch and yes, stuck behind a caravan!

Yay, we've made it to the South Australian border and we are all still talking!

See these here pristine white runners. Let's see how they hold up shall we?

That's about it for day one. Driving, driving and more driving. Mostly through familiar territory until Adelaide. Then it was too dark to see anything anyway.

5 very tired Moerks went to bed in a motel in Port Augusta.

The Moerks


  1. White runners - you are ambitious! Looking forward to the next leg of your trip, sounds like it's going along well so far! K xx

  2. How exciting your 1st post en route! What a shame about the rain! Hope it clears up so you can explore a bit more! xx

  3. Glad you made it safely through the first leg of the trip. I bet 'the rock' was still spectacular through the rain and cloud. Can't wait for the next exciting post. AS

  4. Oh first holiday post, keep them coming.

  5. I'm sure that a rainy start is a good sign of a very happy trip to come!

    Bon voyage

  6. I can't wait to see how dirty those shoes will get!!xx

  7. As I've said are one brave woman!!!

  8. How exciting! You are on the road! can't wait to see more of your adventure :)

  9. Yay!! Already to Port Augusta!! Can't wait to read the next instalment! Travel safely and have lots of FUN!! ~ Tina xx

  10. You're on your way! How exciting..I definitely need a holiday..At least I can go with you on yours..Rachaelxx

  11. Hi folks, finally opened the right blog!! E is at the court ladies' morning coffee, I have just returned from walking Lulu and washing your cleaning cloths. Lulu is well settled and all well at home. Shame about the "motel" room @ CP and the rain at Uluru (even colder than here) but great that you have had a safe start. Continue to enjoy. Love you from both of us.

  12. kitchen stool friendJuly 8, 2010 at 10:23 PM

    Glad to hear you are all off safely and having fun. Bet not as cold as this place!Look forward to keeping up to date with your adventures! Our news - have bought a new house!! 3 acres with tennis court - that will keep you intrigued!


Thanks for visting Let's go Moerkabout. Please leave a little message I love hearing what you have to say :)