
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Drying out at the Devils Marbles.

Not exactly drying out in the alcohol sense, that stuff is virtually impossible to come by in these parts.
I mean drying out, the dampness.

But, yay, we managed a sunrise and sunset, hooray.

We left a soggy Alice Springs, all fired up on our first takeaway coffees for ages and headed to the Devils Marbles campground.
Well actually, we were originally heading to here
Wycliffe Well, but the ufo stuff kind of put us off so we decided to chance a campsite at the marbles.

This is our lunch stop in the infamous Barrow Creek, the place where 2 British backpackers were abducted in mysterious circumstances.

As luck would have it we got a great campsite for a whopping $7.70 for the night. No power and only drop toilets eww. We got there and for the entertainment of our neighbours proceeded to totally drag all our bedding, towells etc out into the heat and sunshine to dry out.

Then we scrambled around on the rocks taking photos.

How Aussie is this photo?

After tea we gathered around a campfire for a talk given by the Ranger and a Traditional owner of the land.
They told us that the marbles were made by the devil man pulling hairs out of his head and rolling them into balls. It was also a meeting point for four tribes. They told us about some of the local bush tucker and several stories from the dreamtime.

The early morning sunrise was magic.

The Moerks


  1. Glad to know your dryer now, love the Aussie photo of two men staring at a rock - excellent. Also like your new family shadow portrait.

  2. Some very good photos there Moerks big and small! So glad to hear that you're a little drier now you brave adventurers!

  3. I'm beside myself to see another shadow photo of the five of you. I LOVE it! Did you see I tried one too? The Aussie sun is magic isn't it.

  4. Oh I LOVE the last photo. They're all so Aussie... every one of them. You are making the best memories ever! So glad you are drier! A-M xx

  5. How nice to be dry again and warm! You have taken some wonderful photos that you will no doubt treasure in years to come. Love the shadow shot, very effective and even a little like aboriginal art. Happy travels.

  6. Don't tell me champagne is hard to come by out there! That's what I call a real bush emergency! Glad you are dry and dusty. Loving the arm chair ride. Now I wish I was there with you.

  7. Thanks for the great comments. Yes the shadow would make a good new blog header. A.S. I wish you guys were here too. I saw the best set of Fladoobadahs today you would have loved them! Camping luxury again tonight ensuite and sink. bliss.

  8. Great photos and I love the last one with your shadows, so very clever!

    Kat :)

  9. I love that shots of you all in shadow. I love seeign these photos and different places. Thise rocks are so orange compared with our gray stone. Thanks for joining in.

  10. Great post! Great following your family on this adventure!

  11. This is so cool!! Thanks for sharing. That looks like an amazing spot! :) Your last photo made me smile!

  12. Love the shadows on the bottom photo too!

  13. How spectacular! Great photos, especially the shadows on the "marbles". My Aussie brother completed a crossing of the Simpson Desert a few months ago - I made a post of it on March 21 (his bday) if you want to check it out. I can see your family is cut from the same cloth. How fantastic! Ann

  14. Great photos - especially love the shadow family.


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