
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kakadu - Norlangie Rock Ark

Here we are in the World Heritage Area, Kakadu National Park.

We camped in Jabiru, lovely green grass campsites and a great pool.

Our first visit was to see the rock art at Norlangie.

Master B was complaining at the start because it was hot and he had to walk. By the end he thought it was awesome as did we all. The rock art was just amazing. I loved the pictorial explanations.

The colours of Norlangie Rock itself were absolutely amazing.

And if that wasn't enough rock art we decided to go to UBIRR that night for more and to see the famous sunset.

The Moerks


  1. Hello everyone!
    It's 40B here, just stopping by to say hello! We can see that you're all having lots of fun. We have loved having a look at all of your photos. Was it scary seeing the crocs? We wish we were all there with you! You're very lucky too because our sports day has now been postponed until next term because it is soooooo wet (and cold!) here in Horsham. The rivers are flowing again! Wow!
    Anyway, we are really missing you in class and cant wait to see you again next term. Safe travels and watch out for those crocs!
    Love 40B

  2. Great memories of Norlangie art and sunset evoked, as well as Kakadu. Enjoy Exmouth and the warm weather and make the most of it before you come home.
    Love Nan, Pa & Lulu

  3. Hi Deb, so sorry it has been so long since I have stopped by. Have been on my teaching prac, but have just caught up on your travels!! Hope everything is still going well and can't wait for your next post:) Hugs ~ Tina xx


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