
Monday, August 30, 2010

Yellow Waters Sunrise

Breathtaking is the word for this.

We got up in the dark. Dressed in long pants and tops and shoes despite the stifling heat and humidity for the sunrise Yellow Waters tour.

Mozzies as big as elephants launched a continual assault until the sun was fully up. Funnily enough we were so distracted by the beauty of the waters and birdlife we barely noticed them.

Mr M. was in photographic euphoria, snapping away at everything.

Our absoulte favourites were the baby Jacana birds walking around on the lily pads and the water, sort of like fluffy ping pong balls on legs. Miss B proved to be an excellent bird spotter, sighting the sacred kingfisher and azure kingfisher, Master B and Big Boy learnt to spot crocs by the ripple of the water.

The locals call these "crocalogs". To us it looked like 'breakfast time'.

It was a lovely way to start the day.

To top the morning off we finished with a cooked buffet breakfast. I have never seen Big Boy run for food. We shared  a table with a lovely family we had bumped into several times along the way and exchanged many travel tips.

Mr M. has many more photos and I will post some soon.

The Moerks


  1. I have been enjoying your posts of all the places in Australia I have never visited. Thankyou for sharing & if you are heading into Qld (Gold Coast or Brisbane )let me know , I would love to meet up with you.
    Karyn x

  2. Those photos look really ethereal. Just beautiful.

  3. Thank you, If I do get to the Gold Coast, (next trip) I would also love to catch up with you Karyn. I think we would have a million things to chat about. Thank to you and Kerry for your lovely comments.


Thanks for visting Let's go Moerkabout. Please leave a little message I love hearing what you have to say :)