
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kings Park

We loved Perth. We were very excited to be in civilization, shops, traffic, a cabin with walls that didn't move.

High on the list of things to do was a visit to Kings Park.

Higher on the list was a visit to David Jones, Myer, Kathmandu and the Sushi place.
Having been for some retail therapy, I could relax and enjoy the park.

See, buildings, coffee shops.

The flowers were amazing.

Kangaroo paws, these were magnificent.

Drifts of everlasting daisies.

And sunny, happy yellow flowers.

The Moerks


  1. Thanks for the post on Kings Park. I used to live just down the road from there...and Perth is such a gorgeous part of the world. I can just imagine how much you were hanging out for a bit of retail therapy!

  2. welcome to perth! have enjoyed following your journey, you've certainly covered a good distance.

  3. Perth is definitely on my 'to go' list. The wildflowers look so pretty.

  4. Those kangaroo paws have nothing on the ones in your own garden! See what a green thumb you are?

  5. Everlasting daisy's remind me of my childhood.
    My grandparents live at Wilmington SA, when we visited at littles, we would pic the prolific everlasting daisy's and dry them. I love their texture.


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