
Friday, November 5, 2010

Pretty blue eggs.

There was great excitement in our garden the other day. The kids had found a nest in the fig tree when they were climbing it and looking for a place to build a shelter. (Bear Grylls you have a lot to answer for!)

A bird had been busy nesting in the fig.
Lulu the scruffy wonderdog had been mighty interested in the movement in the tree.
Mr M. doesn't take too kindly to blackbirds eating the fruit on his fruit trees and Lulu wouldn't leave it alone.
So I got to have a little play with the eggs before they visited the compost.

I think they are a perfect shade of blue.
Now I am going to step away from the computer and try to catch up on some housework.
Have a happy Friday.


  1. Ooh, Deb! How pretty. Gosh, nature can be amazing. What artful photos (oh, and I see you're working on that watermark!). J x

  2. Soooooo, did you kill the little baby birds? I am a little confused :-(

  3. Bye bye blackbird, bye bye!
    Great photos Deb :)

  4. Kerry is so funny...the eggs are beautiful. Somehow, I didn't expect blackbirds to have blue eggs...


  5. Oh no, no killing of birds or not intentionally. The kids found the eggs and bought them inside. Once humans have handled the eggs the birds won't sit on them again. So that's how they ended up in the compost. They put them all back but in the morning they were cold and Lulu was still on guard waiting or hoping one would fall out.

  6. oh okay, I know kids love birdsnests. I just realised how many nest I would have disturbed as a kid. They are soooo beautiful, and again I love the backdrop of the sheet music, does someone in your house play music? what instrument? I used to play the piano and really want to get one so my kids can learn.

  7. Deb, I'm loving your blog it looks fantastic! Congratulations to the winner of your giveaway..lucky girl.... Those blue eggs bring back lots of childhood memories..I remember my dad blowing the middle of them out so I could take them to school...who would have your photos too... Kym X

  8. You learn something new everyday. I did not know that you shouldn't handle eggs in a nest. Anyway, they look good in your photo. xx

  9. They are a nice shade of blue, and great photos. I was a little confused too. I'll remember that piece of info re: not to handle them. Not that I'm likely to be in that situation! :) xx

  10. Lovely pics Deb. We had a silly blackbird fly right full bore into our living room window this morning. MOTH had to go out & just about give it CPR! It staggered off some time later like a drunken sailor (the bird, not MOTH!)
    Millie ^_^

  11. Indeed! Such a lovely colour. I love your images. Have a lovely weekend xox


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