
Friday, November 12, 2010

Who's next? - The travelling Cupcake

The travels of the tiny cupcake on a silver chain continue.

I was lucky to be chosen by Kerry from A Tranquil Townhouse to spend some time with Cuppie the Cupcake.
Cuppie is travelling the world, sent on the journey by Diana of OnecraftyFox.
We planned a camping trip to the Victorian Coast but alas, due to bad weather we travelled to Sunny Swan Hill on the banks of the Mighty River Murray.

Cuppie barely had time to settle before the heavens opened and it rained solidly for 2 days.

The shelter saved our sanity!

For a little break, we took Cuppie for a ride on a Paddle Steamer.

Then to the Pioneer Settlement for a look at old time Australia.

Then, when the sun finally appeared we celebrated!

Just in case you are not sure which country Cuppie is currently in.....

I took Cuppie for a little drive through rural Victoria.

 She checked out the wheat crops.

Did some building inspection!

And tried to spot some native animals.

Got "up close and personal" with a scary Koala.

Just a note to clarify, this is definitely NOT my letterbox!

Now it's your turn to host Cuppie.

Leave a comment regarding the
photo below.

What do you think the cupcake said to the girl in the photo 
to result in that look on her face? 
The most creative comment wins,  
Cuppie will be mailed to your home 
with directions and you will be 
the next to host The Cupcake Challenge
on your blog!

The Winner will be announced next Friday, 19th of November, 2010. Can't wait to see what cleverness you come up with! Please make sure I'm able to contact you so I can send Cuppie to wherever in the world you might be



  1. Oh well done you lot! A waterlogged cupcake in the Australian countryside...that's what I like to see. It appears she likes a bit of the sparkly stuff as well. Glad Cuppie got to see some real Australia :)

  2. The very first thing which came into my mind was:

    He sung ..
    ##Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,
    tomorrow I'll miss you##

  3. What a well travelled pendant Cuppie is. Well done braving the camping in rainy weather. Hope Cuppie ends up with someone fun next.

  4. "Look out for those hairy spiders hanging about your eyes!"

  5. If I take just one more bite..I will have to remove some of this hair piled on my head to maintain my perfect figure..the cake or the hair? xx

  6. Such a fun adventure, thanks so much for playing along! I will link up your post to my blog soon. I am so jealous of Cuppies tour with you!!

    xox Diana

  7. I think the cupcake might have said, "Why only half a set of faux eyelashes on each eye, crazy woman?!"


  8. The cupcake said to the girl " you cant eat me , we must be related, look we both have a big brown mole on our face !"

    That was fun
    Karyn x

  9. OverthehillbutgreatviewNovember 14, 2010 at 10:50 PM

    Jeez if only I could get these eyes open I might be able to see what I"m eating. xD

  10. oooh deb...this is brilliant....

    i got my gorgeous 12 yr old onto this & she said it's obvious...

    the cup cake is saying....

    "oh my god....she's not listening to me...she's just gonna eat me!"

    melissa & ella xx

    p.s we are now going to meet the "crafty fox"....

  11. Really, you are meeting the actual Diana of One Crafty Fox. Please say hello from Cuppie and me.

  12. Hi Gorgeous!

    The cupcake said..."So you wanna eat me eh? Do it and I'm going straight to your backside!"


  13. So good to keep reading about Cuppie's adventures! Looks like you showed her a wonderful time!

  14. Hey there, really liking your blog, it has so many different goodies, from yummy food to traveling, camping and house stuff. Fun! ;)


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