
Sunday, January 16, 2011

If you have any spare prayers left!

Hi, long time no blog. It's been rather intense here during the last few days.
We have had lots and lots of rain and our river system like so many others is choc a block.
Towns upstream have flooded and the highways around the town have been cut.
We have been bracing ourselves for the flood in our river to peak sometime tomorrow night. That is a long time away as the river is slowly and insidiously creeping up and up.
So far it has breached it's banks and roads are starting to be closed around town.
It's nothing like what people have experienced in Queensland, but still, when it is on your own patch and it will affect people you know, it's just rather unnerving.

We are supposed to be on a beach camping trip, that's on hold as the campground is too boggy for us to get into, any, we are not sure if the roads are open anyway.

Silly people around town have been panic buying.

ABC western vic.
I went to get some petrol today.
On the way 3 SES crews with rescue boats passed me, then a couple of army trucks.
The petrol station didn't have any petrol because the trucks couldn't get in to deliver.
I bumped into a friend with Electricity supply connections and they suggested withdrawing cash out because main street is likely to flood and they will have to turn off the power.
I must admit, I did a little freak out at that point.

Mr M. has been slaving away all day at the Incident Control Centre assisting in coordinating the efforts of volunteer sandbaggers and checking elderly and vulnerable people. 
He is adamant we and all our family will be fine.
We are well above the 200 year flood plan.

ABC western vic.
It's impossible to get sand and the sand bags are in limited supply, 25 per household and only for those directly impacted according to the 200 year plan. People are bagging with potting mix and polysacs.

So, how have I been amusing myself today? We have had what feels like 10 thousand phone calls with friends and family. We have been tuning in to the radio for updates and doing drive bys to see how the river is rising.
I have also nearly finished packing. Mr M and the other husbands of campers think we should get out of town before the roads out are cut. I also popped onto Digella's Baked Relief site and donated some money. Check it out here.

I feel much better now I have blurted it all out. If you have any extra prayers, say a little one for those along the Wimmera River.

 We will be truely ruley fine at the Moerks, high and dry and our gentle incline, known in these here very flat parts as a hill, fingers crossed most of the town's people will be too.


  1. Oh, Deb. Thanks for the update - I had been wondering. Thinking of you in Hobart and crossing all fingers and toes for you. J x

  2. Oh Deb, you have been in my thoughts and I was hoping it may have been better news!! Stay safe lovely lady and please, if you can, keep us updated....we care!! Hoping the Moerks are able to stay dry and your townsfolk will be in our thoughts too ~ Txx

  3. Not only do I (and many others)have the time and many spare prayers for you and other Victorians...I know a God that cares for you all and will bring you through this experience. I have just been through all this where I live in Qld...sit tight if you're above the water line and stay cozy in your little nest! I hope (and pray)that it will pass quickly for you and others in your area.

  4. Sending you nothing but good vibes and safe thoughts.
    We will be thinking of you through the next few days, hoping your community is safe.

  5. Hi Deb, hoping that your flood goes through with as little damage as possible, and essentially that everyone stays safe, of course. xx

  6. Stay safe Deb, thinking of you and fingers crossed! ;-)

  7. One hell of a big prayer coming your way from me :) You take care and please stay safe on the roads (she says to a family that's driven around the country unscathed!!)

  8. Deb, big deep breaths. No matter what happens, everyone be safe and together. You can replace everything else...T

  9. I do hope and pray that you and your town will all be OK. An awful worry, and terrible feeling knowing something of this nature is creeping up on you.

  10. Fingers, toes, everything crossed! Prayers and best wishes coming your way. xx

  11. Heavens, another day and another town - I hope everyone is ok - you must be loving that hillside position... A x

  12. It must be very scary. Here's hoping all is well. Take care x

  13. Take care Deb. I hope everything will be okay in your neck of the woods. The panic buying up here unnerved me quite a bit, but things are slowly returning back to normal (for us at least). xx

  14. Thank you everyone for your kind wishes, we are going to be fine. The good news is that the campground is open and the roads are open. If we head out before the bridge goes under we will be fine. That is plan A. The town is as prepared as it can be so it is watch and wait.
    I'll keep you posted.

  15. Oh Deb, I can imagine how unnerving your situation must be. Thinking of you all x

  16. I will be praying for safety for your family and that this horrible flooding stops soon.

  17. I'll be praying for all of the families affected in the area and I am so glad to heat that you will be ok Deb. Thanks for the update and hopefully you will get to enjoy a break. xx

  18. Deb hope you and yours are safe and terribly scary for you....hopefully tha camping will work out OK..Take care XOX

  19. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)

  20. Hi Deb, I just said to my husband this morning - I wonder if my blog friend Deb is ok? I think she's somewhere up that way. It does sound a little frightening, what you've described. But I'm thankful you'll be ok on your little hill. I love my precious Victoria so lots of love to you and your town, hope it turns out alright. Rachaelxx

  21. We heard you got out for your hols though not without last minute trauma. Hope you can all relax and enjoy it. NXXX

  22. oh glad you and your family are high dry & safe...

    being on the other side of the globe...watching the devastation up & down the country id almost to much to bear....
    i sit for hours watching clips from news reels and people just to understand how difficult it has been for all of you there...

    our thoughts and prayers and australian friendships are with you...

    take care...melissa xxx

  23. Oh Deb
    So sorry I am late to your post.. I truly hope your town and neighbours escaped without too much flooding.. It must be so frightening!! I hope you are indeed safe on your little hill..

    Will be thinking of you.. ciao xxx Julie


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