
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"If just one of those strands should fall"

What a picture of intense concentration!

"Please, please, please"

It was so hot the other day and we were confined to indoors.
We decided a little pasta making was in order.
Lulu was in because it was just too hot.
The pasta dried in an instant and
was delicious.

Fully Master B. approved.

We are also hopeful that the people of far North Queensland will be Ok.
The very nasty cyclone Yasi is building 
in intensity.
How much more can poor Queensland take.
Fingers and toes crossed for you all.


  1. Yes, I do hope there is little damage. As you say, they have had enough.

  2. Love the use of the clothes airer for drying your homemade pasta. Ingenious!

  3. Ah, Deb. You always find something quirky to make me smile. Time to get out our pasta maker, methinks! J x

  4. Too cute:) And that pasta looks so yummy! K xx

  5. That dog is chocolate box gorgeous! Thank you for making me smile.

  6. Very cute photos, love Lulu sitting waiting...... that's a great idea to hang the pasta on the clothes airer to dry. Fresh pasta, YUM!

  7. Oh wow, i love oru KtichenAid pasta maker (ouch, the attachments to make pasta are like another $300) but sooo worth it, plus the million dollar plastic pasta stand with extendable legs like a tripod camera stand, honestly, fantastic!! How much better does real pasta taste?? Love Posie

  8. Oh my gosh, she is SOOOOO adorable!!! Such a cutie pie!
    Yes, fingers crossed for the Queenslanders.

  9. That pasta looks fab! My kids love to make pasta too, it is just so yummy when you make it yourself.... We just don't do it enough! It is so hot here on the gold coast.... storms are brewing once again.... this time they are really nasty..... hope the family &folks up north are ok too. X

  10. What a well trained pup...didn't sneak it or leap for it! Looks yummy.

  11. How coragious of you, making your own pasta!!!!well done .

  12. great pasta, adorable cute dog! Have a great weekend,
    love Maaike

  13. I just came via Posie Patchwork.

    What an hilarious doggus! She looks as if she's admiring the length of those hairy strands!

  14. Your sweet dog looks like she could be wearing a coat of noodles. They look delicious!

    My brother lives in Perth, so I try to keep up with the news in OZ. Queensland does not need another hit. Ann

  15. LOL!! She is so into that pasta! I love it, she looks like she is guarding it. Kit

  16. Love the shot of your dog staring down the pasta. They can be so intense when food is around. My dogs would never have had that restraint.

  17. Ha ha! These are great photos! She reminds me of my Grandma's dogs, who I miss so much! :)


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