
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's all in the details.

Gorgeous stuff. 
For more drool worthy pictures,
View the feature here.

Hope your week is going well.
So far mine has been super busy with lots of work. Hopefully I will emerge from under all the paper and demands.
Sometimes the balancing act of being Mum, part time work, blogger, friend and sports commitments gets a bit much.
I can see your heads nodding.
This is why I find, the little details such as above, so soothing (ff2011).
Have another quick scroll up before you go...
see, very calming.


  1. The images are very calming. I hope this week gets better for you, Deb. Try to take some time just for YOU!


  2. They're lovely images, especially the last one. Sometime I think I would have SO much more time if I didn't blog, but then that wouldn't be much fun, would it? x

  3. yep -totally that first shot!
    i love *embrace the lace*....i do!!

    happy balancing!

    melissa x

  4. How true Deb, the details do help you to take a minute and your choices are very drool worthy. Life seems to be a very fine balancing act doesn't it? Praying that you get some time out for yourself to relax. xx

  5. ... without a doubt. Love the carved wood. Elaborate and simple all at the same time. Georgie x

  6. Your right Deb and I did scroll up and down again - ahhh.... Now I am off to do some painting. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your hectic week too. ;-)

  7. Beautiful images Deb! I hope you can manage the juggling act ok. It's full on isn't it :)

  8. Hi Deb
    These are some great images.. Love the photography in the 2nd..

    and just scrolling down.. and love love your Blue Yonder post.. Fabulous images... great stuff...

    Have a good week.. hope the weather clears for you... ciao xxxx Julie

  9. Beautiful images - I adore the wooden carvings!! And you are so right about the more time if no blogging, but nah that's not going to happen - love it soo :O)
    A xx

  10. I am nodding like mad here Deb! It's a crazy week in our house too.
    Those images are very welcome and calming.

    Thanks for your comment on my last post. I think I enjoyed making the flower collage as much as the 4 year old!

  11. Yes beautiful and calming, just what I needed as working a four day week this week, plus school run, kinder and reno - ok time for another look up. Gx

  12. Gorgeous! You are right... very calming after two 12+ hour days (parent-teacher interviews!) kids, sports, homework etc.... just the little pick-me-up I needed! Thanks Deb! X

  13. I've had just that kind of day, where I've tried to fit in far too much and have ended up with a bit of a headache. You're right - these images are so soothing.

    Thank you!


  14. Your life does sound very busy at the moment Deb. The images are beautiful, I'll have a look at the link. Rachaelxx

  15. wonderful pairing of photos & title. lovely greetings


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