
Monday, April 18, 2011

Have you heard there is a royal wedding?

I am waiting with baited breath for the local $2 shop to bring out it's range of Royal Wedding paraphenalia.

via Yvestown blog

Not because I am a Royalist or anything.

via Little Birdie Secrets

It's just that I have been invited.

Royal Pizza   via ninemsn

To a Royal wedding party.

via Joanne the coach

A bunch of ladies,
consuming champagne.
Wearing assorted bridal bits and pieces.
Watching the wedding.
via Joanne the coach

It should be a hoot.
If you happen to come up with any suggestions for me. 
I am all ears
 (and I am not talking rudely about Charles when I say that!)


  1. I'm going to one too! Apart from dragging out the fake tiara I'm stumped! Perhaps a few handcrafted medals or orders of the emu or something?

  2. Me too! I made a large hat out of a tutu I had made for a costume a few years ago - it's large and has excessive amounts of black netting - it might be "Royal Wedding" but it might be "Scarlet O'Hara" - the jury is still out on that. It will certainly tip me over if I have too much champagne but thats a chance I'm willing to take.

  3. It should be a hoot.. we had quite a bit of that paraphenalia as kids..stuff belonging to my grandmother.. I'll have to put my thinking cap on..

    I remember sitting around watching Charles & Diana marry... I imagine this one will be very different..

    Have fun,... xxxx Julie

  4. Silk gloves perhaps Deb? A tiara (cheap shops should be able to see you right - kids section!) Have fun! ;-)


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