
Friday, May 6, 2011

Simple and orderly

agent bauer

Isn't this just pure heaven.

It's Friday night, the kids are home from school.
I have decided what is for dinner.

I have just put my slippers and trackky dacks on.
I think I will hop on the couch and have a little read of the Women's Day and see all those lovely Royal Wedding photos, one more time!

I hope you have a good weekend and to all the Mothers out there I hope you get spoilt rotten!


  1. Enjoy flicking through all those lovely wedding photos and have a wonderful day on Sunday x

  2. Perfect evening. I have the Women's Weekly version! Ha! xx

  3. That picture IS heavenly! I want it in my house!
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day! X

  4. hi Deb...yes that picture is perfectly lovely- i just *pinned* it to one of my boards {my new and fave past time!!}...

    your night sounds perfect- tracky daks...a mag...friday!!

    enjoy- and happy mums day for sunday...melissa xx

  5. I love that door hinge - pure heaven is right!

  6. Oh Joyful things, I hadn't noticed the door hinge it is gorgeous!

  7. Happy Mothers Day to you too Deb! Have a lovely weekend. ;-)

  8. So calming... enjoy tomorrow, Deb... gxo

  9. Hi Deb
    I love this.. so orderly.. so unlike real life.. hahaa.. but I do like the look of all those plates stacked and waiting!!

    Hope you had a relaxing night.. and another relaxing day tomorrow.. Happy Mothers Day .. ciao xxx Julie

  10. Ohh, yes love it. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's day tomorrow and you have had a relaxing weekend thus far. Gx

  11. Simple and orderly - whats that?? Love this pic - the colors are the best. Enjoy your weekend and Mothers Day Deb.
    Rebecca x

  12. What a brilliant picture! So simple and so ordered. I'm just imagining if I went to someone's house and that was in the corner of their kitchen!! Would I be a bit freaked out?!!!!

    I SO know how you feel on the post below, by the way. Posts I look at just seem to get more and more entrancing in direct proportion to the size of my to-do list!!


  13. Hi Deb, me again :) You were asking about our doormat, there's a chain of rug stores here in Perth called The Rug Station. I got our mat from there, if you zoom in, you can see ours has a striped/spotty type of pattern but there were heaps of designs. The lady who served me said she's had hers as a doormat for 8 years. The one we got was the smallest size.


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