
Monday, May 2, 2011

tough guy

This weekend marked the start of the 2011 Auskick Junior Australian Rules football program.
Our youngest kitted up in his favourite team colours.
St Kilda is his team and his idol,
captain Nick Reiwoldt.

Check out those biceps!

See, number 12, just like Nick.

I just love those long, slender legs.

He came home with his socks down round his ankles, grubby knees, 
some mud on his tummy and a grin from ear to ear!


  1. Go Saints! He looks fantastic, hope he loves Auskick, it's such a wonderful program. Did he see the video of Rooey's Recruits? I was going to sign the girls up and I'm so disappointed I didn't. I'm sure they'll have it again next year. Rachaelxx

  2. Good for him. I love it when kids aspire to be football or ruby stars or rock stars.....that belief that they can be anyone they want is so lovely to see.

  3. What fun!!! Just what a boy with such wonderful bicdeps should be doing.

    Happy new week. xoox

  4. Happy happy days, how precious your son looks Deb, although I'm sure he wouldn't want me to say it!

  5. Oh, he totally looks ready to get stuck right into a game!!!! I bet he loved getting all kitted out in his gear too! I hope he had fun! X

  6. Good on him! Hope he continues to enjoy it. Of course you have reminded me of what a dodgy mum I am because once again I forgot to join my boy up. He does do the camp when it's at school though.

    TDM xx

  7. OOh bless! love his arms and long little legs, gorgeous ( but then I am biased in favour of boys!) hope the footie season goes well xx


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