
Monday, July 4, 2011

blue and white porch

source, sorry not sure.
If you know, please let me know, apologies.

It's the first day of the school hols.

I would love to be hanging out here.


I will be hanging out here

With popcorn and coke!!!!

Just wait,
later I will be back asking
Why, why did I say yes to coke?


  1. that's such a lovely porch I'd love to be hanging out there also.. love the blue & white

    Have fun with the kiddies!!! xxx Julie

  2. Enjoy your time at the movies - I remember fondly being treated to a day out at the movies when I was little :)

  3. LOL - I took my 2 year old to see it last week before the holidays began - pretty sure I enjoyed it more than him ;)

  4. Oh well Debs, we all make mistakes, sometimes it's a coke too many! I'm with you on the porch, something I've always longed to have around my house.

  5. Enjoy! Been there done that - coke and all! ;-)

  6. Enjoy the movies, I took Will to see Cars2 last week we didn't make it through the whole movie, he was with his little girlfriend and when they started chasing each other over the chairs and rows squeeling and giggling with delight we thought uh oh, better get them out of here :)
    Enjoy and I love that porch,

  7. Occasionally I love some popcorn and coke, it's just a pity you need to take out a second mortgage to afford it at the cinema!

  8. That porch is stunning, what amazing colours! I have a date with that movie and two kids this holidays too! X


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