
Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday afternoon at the Moerks

It was a drizzly grey old day here yesterday.

So we decided to light the fire pit.

There was a lot of sitting around. Please excuse the old painting/gardening clothes.
Please notice THE BOOTS
I put some sheepskin inner soles in them and they were as warm as toast.

See Lulu's feet and face.
She needed a bath afterwards.

There was a lot of poking and prodding of the fire until some genius  suggested these were in order.

Mr M quickly twisted up some wire forks.


Marshmallows and tea in the backyard, in the drizzle, a lovely way to end the school holidays.


  1. I'm in love with the boots photo. Straight out of the pages of Country Style :) It's miserable weather here too but I have nothing so stylish to wear in the rain :(

  2. Looks like a perfect winters afternoon! Lulu is so cute and she's really loving being a part of the action. We're thinking of getting a fire grate/pit sort of thing for when we have people over at night (and kids in bed).

  3. Deb
    1. Love the boots, first thing I noticed.
    2. I notice Mr M's boots are not nearly so flash.
    3. Your photography is wonderful have you had lots of tips - it really stands as "quality work"!
    4. Lulu looks like a farm dog round the firepit. Tres chic, but bet she needed a bath before retiring inside for the evening cocktails.

  4. Sounds perfect!! I love that last photo x

  5. I wish I was there! I love toasting marshmallows, especialy on an open fire! I have to say that I LOVE the boots! X

  6. Open fire, new cosy boots, marshmallows, mugs of tea - all sounds pretty perfect to me too. x

  7. Love the boots, I need a pair for the next big wet + also love the marshmallows. Yum!

  8. Looks like a delightful Sunday arvo.
    Might put a fire pit on Santa's list.

  9. What a fantastic way to spend the afternoon. We love our fire pit but I confess I keep forgetting to buy the marshmallows. xx

  10. Oh so inviting!! I want a fire pit, badly!! Love Posie

  11. Looks like a lovely arvo. The fire and marshmallows look great buy how cute is Lulu?! X

  12. What a cute dog looking at a fire!!!
    Wonderful holiday in family! Heat Marshmallows and tea, hummmm, delicious! We don't have this custom in Brazil, unfortunatelly...

  13. LOVE the firepit - I want one!!! Boots are cute too ;)


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