
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Delicious curtain detail

via dekio

As the title of my post suggests.

I just think the detail on this curtain is delicious!


This week Let's go Moerkabout is being featured on the Decorating Forum.
Head over for more delicious decorating ideas.


  1. The curtains are gorgeous Deb. Especially the lace at the end- love it:)

  2. Those curtains had so much luxury to the room, love it. I will now go and check out the Decorating Forum. G

  3. Oh, Deb, I really like the direction you're now taking. Such prettiness. Will pop over there now. J x

  4. Love a pretty curtain..could do with some here! I'll have a look at your feature on The Decorating Forum. Rachaelx

  5. How exciting, I am off to have a look. Oh and the curtains are lovely. xx

  6. Damn, i kind of loathe curtains (i know, imagine me, the fabric tart disliking anything as glorious) & don't plan curtains in our homestead - advantage of privacy on a 100 acre block . . . but these are glorious!! Love Posie


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