
Friday, September 2, 2011

Spring has sprung.

Spring has sprung and I must say I am rather excited.
It is beautiful outside today. 
A lovely clear blue sky and just a few wispy clouds.

I just can't remember ever longing for spring to come as much as I have this year.

I took these pictures ages  ago.
For just the right time.
All the little bottles in these photos were dug up from our garden. 
We keep finding them and washing them.

Happy Friday.

Welcome Spring for us here and Welcome Autumn or Fall for you over there!


  1. Hello Deb

    You did find the right time - very very pretty.

    I can't believe how fortunate you are - digging and finding those amazing little bottles - isn't it a funny world we live in.
    Years ago the person used bottle to fill the soil perhaps to level a sloping ground, 2011 you dig up these bottles - now very trendy to have and you photograph and blog on them.

    have a wonderful weekend ahead


  2. Hi Deb,

    A Happy Spring Friday to you too! I am so looking forward to warm days and all that extra daylight.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  3. they are absolutely beautiful!
    happy spring to you Deb ♥

  4. Spring just has to be THE best season.
    Love that you cherish the bottles Deb and give them a new lease of life. My family also enjoys unearthing all manner of stuff in our gardens.
    Have an enjoyable springtime weekend!

  5. I can't believe the amount of little bottles you find in your back yard, what a treasure trove. I'll be enjoying this warmer spring weather too, the best time in QLD not too hot just yet. Have a lovely weekend. ;-)

  6. Beautiful images Deb! What treasures those bottles are. Yes, I think we are all a bit excited about spring! X

  7. Spring has sprung - lovely indeed - have a lovely weekend with pretty spring images :) Axx

  8. those bottles are an amazing finds! i have one purple (my favorite color) glass bottle with an american eagle on it, collecting more to decorate with someday... spring is here, rejoice!

  9. What gorgeous treasures you dig up in your garden, how lucky are you! When I was growing up (in a small country town, nsw) mum and dad would always be digging up treasures like that too. We only dig up funnel webs here in the bushland shire, not exactly treasures!! I feel exactly the same way about spring. I've been waiting soooo long for it and so far it hasn't disappointed. Enjoy your weekend : ) Alison x


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