
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pea Soup Rocks.

I just wanted to share with you some photos I took on our recent trip to the quaint seaside town of Port Fairy in Victoria.

One of our favourite spots is Pea Soup, a small cove protected from the open sea by rocks.

There is a little sandy beach,
shallow water and these lovely volcanic rocks.

The intrepid beach combers. A bit of rain wasn't going to stop us!

Passing on the knowledge.

This Father, son bonding fills my heart.

Watching and waiting. 
What a place!

Pea Soup, I am counting the days till I can visit again.

Do you have a place that touches your heart?


  1. These are gorgeous pictures, Deb! I just know all of you had a wonderful time! The rocks make me thing of the coast of Maine...very similar looking and lovely!


  2. What a beautiful spot. I could spend a few days there for sure!

  3. Do you know what Deb?... you and you alone have inspired this little family to purchase camping equipment so we can holiday in fabulous places these Christmas holidays. These photos only inspire me more. Thank.You. A-M xx

  4. Great photos! I'm from Portland so lovely to see your shots! I now live with my family near Coffs Harbour


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