
Monday, November 28, 2011


Lets go Moerkabout

I am a fan of vintage maps. 
Up until 4.30pm yesterday, I didn't have any decorating my house.
That is until I whipped up this baby.

via skimbacohome

I often look at pictures like these and marvel at the colours.

It takes me back to my schools days.
Hours spent pouring over the Jacaranda Atlas..

Some of the colours are so pretty.

There is an easy to follow tutorial over here at Skimbaco showing you how to make the map vase.

You don't need a tutorial for my garland.

Just cut out a bunch of circles.

Whiz them up on your trusty sewing machine.

Wrap them around a globe like object. ( I will tell you more about the globe in a later post).

Or dangle them from your chalkboard.....

If you wouldn't mind popping back tomorrow.
Miss B is doing a special tutorial post for her school passion project.
She gets to make something,
tell us how she did it and then she will show the blog to her class on the electronic whiteboard.
How good is that!

I would really appreciate it if you could show her some blog love.


  1. Love it!.. and I'll be back tomorrow. A-M xx

  2. Hi Miss Deb

    I feel like this is a "snap sister" moment!

    I too love maps and have a garland ready to sew - (that is a spooky moment.

    Love yours - maybe I need to send mine to you to be sewn :)

    I will pop back to check on the next project of course :)

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, hereiamloulou blog


  3. Gosh I hope I get time to get back on my computer because my KIDS would LOVE to see her project! I'll stick a post it note to my computer now! :)

  4. ha - I was making paper/sewed garlands on the weekend also!! too funny. LOVE your map versions. I'm very partial to maps!
    hope you have a great week.
    c x

  5. LOVE your garland, Deb!!! 'See you' tomorrow x

  6. Gorgeous garland, Deb. We have so many common passions, my friend! J x

  7. Loving the garland. I have a world atlas from when I was a kid....let's just say a few moons ago, and I keep thinking I want to do something creative with it. Trouble is I'm not sure I can really bring myself to cut it up!
    Will come back and visit tomorrow.

  8. OH maptastic indeedy!! I really like the idea of a map on a children's desk, i'm thinking of doing it on the latest one i hauled in from Revolve at the tip. I'll have to work on my skills, first stop paint stripper, then we'll talk maps. Love the ideas here, globe ball, brilliant, love Posie

  9. Ah the good old Jacaranda atlas!! You've found some great ideas there, love the vase and that bowl is SO lovely. What a great garland you've whipped up. I have a few little map projects in my 'to make' file - will have to add the vase to it :)


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