
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday bits and bobs.

Good afternoon, how was your weekend?
Ours was good, plenty to do.

Sunday is nearly always my favourite day.

I usually stay in bed and read the paper, cover to cover.

This morning I was treated to Mr M's blue berry and white chocolate muffins in bed.


Then the usual clean up.

 I found this rug in the bottom of the rug basket.  I started crocheting it way way  back a very long time ago.

It's really a bit small to use yet.

I suppose I should get around to finishing it.

Then I got distracted by these iris like flowers.

The buds have been on the verge of opening for days.

Today was the day they burst into flower.

How was your weekend?
I hope it was a good one.


  1. I took some photos of those exact same flowers at an open garden today Deb! I don't know what they're called either ;)

  2. I love lazy Sundays! Those flowers are so lovely! X

  3. So beautiful! My Sunday is just starting and while I didn't have any delicious blueberry and white chocolate muffins like you did there is no snow and no rain here so we're all hopeful for a great day.

  4. I love Sundays, too! I wish I had started out with those gorgeous muffins! Yum!

    Your flowers do look like iris...beautiful!


  5. Your garden is looking really lovely Deb. Those muffins look delicious - wish I'd wake up to a freshly cooked batch like that :)


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