
Friday, December 23, 2011

Cleaning out the schoolbags.

Today is our first day of school holidays.

It is stinking hot outside.
At least it is a clear, dry hot heat.

I love emptying out the school bags and finding all the treasures.
The half finished word searches.
The multitude of spelling and writing books
and half written notes.

Big boy introduced me to CamWow.
It is a bit of fun.

I am going to try and scan in the sick reindeer story complete with vomiting reindeer.
A special treat!

I think I have everything from the Supermarket.
I think I have got to the point where it doesn't matter if I haven't.
It was crazy down the street this morning.

The big kids and their Dad have gone water skiiing.
I am hoping the little one falls asleep so I can do some present wrapping and juggling.

Are you under control?
I think I am.


  1. Sipping on a mojito... I think I am definintely under control but after a few more mojitos does it matter? Merry Christmas Deb to you and your family. ;-)

  2. hi Deb last day of work - thank my stars !! so tired !! nearly ready = love to you le oxoxo

  3. I think I am, but not stressing if I'm not! I think I've learned what's important to everyone and it's not perfect food! Have a wonderful Christmas Deb with your beautiful family, look forward to catching up with you in the new year..Love Rachaelxx

  4. Likewise Deb, if I've forgotten something then so be it.
    Best wishes for a great Christmas with your family.

  5. Yay! Holidays! You sound ready for the big day, hope you don't have too much left to do, we are going out for Christmas lunch at the golf club, so no big preperations here... it is super relaxed. I may even do some sewing this afternoon after a bit of a tidy! X

  6. Yeah, I'm off to the parents for lunch and didn't even think to ask them if I should take something! Whoops... Now whipping up a gingerbread house.
    Hope you have a lovely day. Hugs x


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