
Monday, January 16, 2012

3 Top pins

Today I am talking about top pins.
I just threw the legs in because sometimes legs are referred to as pins.
My Nan had excellent pins.
I never ever saw her wear trousers of any kind.
Always a dress or a skirt.
And always a modest heel.

These pins are very pretty too. We call them safety pins in Australia. I am not sure what they are called elsewhere.
Anyway, I disgress.
I just wanted  to show you the three most pinned pins on my Pinterest boards.


Coming in at number 1, is this blue and red room.
I must agree, the colours are lovely.

These are the number 2, most pinned pin in my collection.
Scrabble cushions.

And number 3 is this pretty pink bike.

If you would like to see more pins, click on my pinterest button on the side bar.
That would be the new one I made all by myself.
I still haven't managed to link up the email button, but I am getting there.
While you are clicking, try the twitter one I also made,
I know, I am very impressed with myself.

Do you pin?
Do you keep an eye on your pins every now and then to see what people are liking?
linking in here


  1. You're funny! Love the pins (legs!). My husband calls them pins too. Have a great day x

    1. Might take
      Y pins for a run and see if I can get the that shape and color.

  2. You have made yourself a very cool pin button - clever girl! Now I am finally using pinterest, I have realised how useful it is and how interesting it is in understanding what draws peoples eye on the blog. Just like your top 3 , were they the ones you expected to be most popular?
    best wishes

  3. Wonderful post!!!
    I'll do my top pins too soon....
    A big hug from Brazil!!!

    1. Yes please do your top pins it would be very interesting. Deb

    2. Firstly I want those first pins, secondly I love that room...thirdly I wish I had more time to browse and pin because I could spend ages soaking up the images! I have just started pinning and wish I could find more time for it! Happy week! X

  4. I love the red and blue room and as for pinning have never done it. After reading this post will have to find out more. Gx

  5. Hi Deb

    Ooh, I'm now avidly following your boards. I'm there too at

    I didn't realise I could see which of mine were the most popular - now I'll have to investigate! Thanks for the tip ☺.

    J x

  6. Oh how i love to pin! I am sooo addicted... So clever of you to make your own little buttons - cant figure that one out yet!

  7. Thank you for your comments. I am looking forward to seeing your pins.

  8. This is such a neat post about pinning. Great Job! I'm off to visit your Pinterest Boards via your new button ":o)

  9. Deb~ I am loving your pins!
    Your newest fan!

  10. Thanks so much for joining in with my weekly Pinning & Singing party. I can see why they were your most pinned pins this last week-that first picture is gorgeous!

    I am so looking forward to going on a Pinterest spree this weekend-I have had no time to pin this week and I am having withdrawals!

    Best wishes.
    Natasha In Oz


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