
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Afternoon hooky - My creative space

Whilst we have endured the heatwave, I have been busy on the couch with my first little crafty project of the new year.

It's a slightly wonky pincushion.

It took ages to work out the blasted pattern.

Once I got going though, it was fine and dandy.

See the grass. See all the brown bits. That is what happened during "the heatwave"

IF you are into a bit of granny goodness the inspiration and pattern link can be found here.

Also linking up with Our Creative Spaces.
(if it is happening so early in the year),

And at the Freckled Laundry

The lovely Tiff from  Mrs Tiff Living Creatively has passed this award over to me, here is what she had to say about the Liebster award.

Liebster is a German word meaning "dearest" and the award is given to bloggers with fewer than 200 followers. The award has a few stipulations:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it you.

2. Reveal your five blogger picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4. Hope that people you have sent the award to forward it on to their favourite bloggers.

Now its my turn to pass this award on to five bloggers that I love to pop in and visit.

Thanks Tiff for sharing the bloggie love.

Meanwhile I am trying to nut out another pattern for a very big project.


  1. The pin cushion is darling, very colorful! I envy your heatwave, it is SO cold here!

    Congrats on your award!!


  2. Deb, you are such an inspiring blogger, how could I resist sharing the love?! Thanks for the links I love finding new friends and discovering new ideas. I am in awe of your crochet, it is one of my goals for the year to learn. I have been trying to teach myself with books and clips and have felt very frustrated at times! I need help from a real person so that is high on my list when I get home. Crochet is HUGE here in Ubud, Bali! The ladies in the markets sit and crochet all day between sales and their fingers move like lightening! I took as many pics as I could without appearing too rude! X

  3. That is so cute! I'm hooking a ripply cushion at the moment. Are we mad for crocheting in summer? Congrats on your lovely award too.

  4. clever you with the pin cushion - so cute it could just be a decorative thingo :) best le

  5. What a cute pincushion! You have done a fab job. I'm not sure I could crochet a straight line these days so I'm very impressed :)

  6. That is so cute. You should sell those. They are darling.

  7. Love your sweet dishes...and your new banner.
    We have been having one here too...but oooooodles of rain to go with it..but that is the cozy wet stuff.
    You pincushion is adorable! xoxoxox

  8. Hi Deb

    I think you are blessed with creativity ( now I see where your daughter got hers from :)

    lovely colours you chose too

    (hey - I say ditto to the brown grass over here as well)

    Have a wonderful day,

    loulou, from hereiamloulou blog


  9. You're so clever! The pin cushion is fab.

    TDM xx


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