
Sunday, June 10, 2012

3 quick household tips

3 quick tips today.

It's a long weekend here and as well as laying around nursing my cold and dealing with an itchy antibiotic reaction I have been dabbling in some housework and a little bit of internet time. (before you think why is she taking anti's for a cold, no, they were for an infection toe, gross).

1. How to keep your stainless steel clean.

Lets face it, we all feel better when our appliances are sparkly clean.

To remove fingerprints, just wipe with baby oil on a cloth. Polish with a clean lint free cloth.
2. How to fold a fitted sheet.

These things are the pain of the linen press. They don't fold neatly, they don't sit flat. Well this little tutorial will set you on a neat and tidy path.

This simple video shows you how to fold a t shirt in one easy step. My nearly 14 year old thought it was "pretty good". Did it encourage him to go forth and fold? "probably not".

Well, that is my 3 tips for today. I will just leave you with this stunning image.


  1. Great tips, I am almost encouraged to do some housework! X

  2. Baby oil who would have thought! But the fitte sheet, I would miss having a boxing match with my fitted each Thursday morning. Yes something you just learned about me, I change the beds on a Thursday. Happy housekeeping.

    1. Ha ha Roberta, now I can picture you and that sheet fighting it out. I too used to be a Thursday sheet changer, now its back to weekends after some changes to my work days. Happy long weekend. Deb

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've seen how to fold a fitted sheet, but to be honest, I'm waaaay to lazy to make the effort. I tend to go for a "roll it around my arms" scenario and then throw the resulting bundle in the cupboard and slam the door before it falls out :)
    Martha Stewart I am not!

    1. Sarah, you have just described my current method. Scrunch and squash. One day I will have a perfectly organised linen press... maybe.

  4. I am the worst at all of the above. So thankyou for sharing.
    Pen x
    PS i am trying to upload a video to my blog and it keeps telling me there was an error.

    1. Just cause I blog it, doesn't mean I always do it. lol. Good luck with the upload, blogger can be nasty sometimes.

  5. Well who knew about baby oil for S/S. Must give it a try. As for folding a fitted sheet I saw a tutorial long long time ago but no no it didn't change my lazy sheet folding habits.
    As for T-shirts I'm positively brilliant at this because my mother was one to fold underwear so folding clothing is my forte. But not undies lol.
    Great post Deb.

    1. Annie, I must confess to being someone who likes to fold the undies on occasion. Not all the time though.

  6. I showed the t-shirt folding trick to my 14 year old and he was so excited! but that feeling passed after two t-shirts...... sigh.

  7. What lovely tips in this post. Really Great work!

  8. I had read about baby oil for chrome but not stainless steel so will definitely be giving this one a go over the weekend - goodbye grubby fingerprints :)


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