
Monday, June 18, 2012

Honey, the heater isn't working!


I had "a moment" this morning when I got out of bed.
 It was a mere 1 degree and the first words Mr M uttered after he said good morning were,

"honey, the heater isn't working"

He didn't mean this fireplace which heats most of the house.

And he didn't mean this open fire which if truth be told, we have never actually used.

He definitely didn't mean the outdoor firepit.

He meant our very ugly plastic looking gas heater that warms our family room and kitchen area.

I nearly had a hissy fit.

How could he have neglected to tell me this last night so I could put emergency measures in place?

It would never happen if we had a gorgeous heater like this.

Or this.

It turns out though, that in a small country town, there is still good old fashioned same day service and by lunchtime "Bill" the heater man had diagnosed and treated our ailing gas heater and pronounced she was back in "tip top shape".


  1. That was lucky you were able to get it all sorted out today. My plan of action in the case of an emergency like that is to bake all day using the gas oven. It is amazing how warm it keeps the area. xx

  2. I feel your pain ... we rented a house in Oberon in August 2010 and the heaters did not work - it was freezing ,,, luckily one of my councillors - an electrician came to my rescue :)on a Saturday and all :)glad all is well now - best le xox

  3. Oh warm again!!!!!

  4. Glad you're warm again! We swear by our inverter which has the added advantage of cooling us in Brisbane summers. Although, it is positioned right above the desk where I write this and blasts hot air onto me... wreaks havoc with my contact lenses...

    1. Now I have visions of crusty dried up contact lenses. Not so good.

  5. Love your post Deb,
    I dont miss the cold at all when 1degree is spoke about. we are having lows like 8 degrees up here on the gold coast and every ones wingeing. NOT ME.
    i am a ex Wagga girl and we dont even have fog up here on the GC so nothing to complain about really

    Feeling your pain this morning for you. I am walking around in long PJs and a singlet (lol)

    Pen x

    1. Penny right now it is 5 degrees and this morning we had thick, pea soup fog. Just like a Wagga morning really. At least though, the sun came out this afternoon for a little while. Tonight, I think will be very very cold.

  6. Poor you, we have one of those gas log fireplaces.... Spent a fortune on it and it never works. We paid $170 to get it fixed and it stopped working again after 3 months. Stupid thing. I went and bought a tiny electric heater from the oppy for $3.... Can't wait to see my electricity bill....

    1. I think that bill might hurt a little bit. Ouch.

  7. Glad you could get it sorted so quickly. A few year back, the gas heater that heated our living area and kitchen died (after years of repairs and being told it probably wouldn't last much longer). We had such a dilemma as installing a new heater wasn't so simple with the new dimensions of things these days and we had to have our wall extended/built out meaning weeks/months without heating and Grace was only young then. We bought a cheap electric heater so we at least had something but truth be told, it was useless unless you were sitting on top of it :) In the end, we now have a gorgeous log-fire look heater which I am SO thankful for.

    All your fireplaces and their beautiful mantelpieces are glorious - so homely!! x

    1. Thank you Amanda. It is looking extremely homely tonight. Stuff everywhere. I do love the glow of flames. I bet your gas log fire is very pretty at night.

  8. Good on you 'Bill'. It's no fun being cold in the mornings.


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