
Monday, July 16, 2012

Rupanyup Living.

Travelling to footy ovals in various parts of the Wimmera Region has it benefits. 
One of those is discovering gems like these.

Claire Morgan runs this shop, Rupanyup Living, in the tiny town of Rupanyup smack bang in the middle of a wheat and sheep belt.

All her goodies were lovely and my head was spinning with delight trying to take it all in.

I loved the flowery gumboots. 

 I am going to have to go back and check out the clothes.

I did buy a lovely wallet, all subdued on the outside and full of colours on the inside.

If you would like to see some more or contact Claire

Have you found a gem in an unexpected place lately?


  1. It looks like a lovely store. I spot Mozi goodies - I'm a fan of those. I think I need to get out more as I haven't discovered any new gems recently! Have a great week x

  2. Gorgeous little find and so many cute pieces.


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