
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Art in the lane and Moerkey giveaway.

I love this photo.
I do love a bit of photo editing now and then!

 I took it down a lane in town.
It used to be a grotty, dingy lane between the takeaway joints.

 Some bright spark organised artists to depict the Wimmera River and surrounding land.

It looks different throughout the day.
I love how the birds seem to be circling overhead.

Well done clever artist and well done City Council.

On another note,
Don't forget to enter the Moerkey giveaway.
Mr M was delighted yesterday to be featured in the etsy newsletter, 
right up the top.
He had a massive surge in traffic and some sales.
It's funny watching him checking his shop and talking about things like, "favourites" and "traffic"
it's like he has stepped into my world.

Click on the picture to go to the post and leave a comment to enter,
easy peasy.

Linking in here at Life on Planet Baby


  1. I think I like your last photo the best as it really shows those birds circling around the laneway. I have put Mr Moerks pic on my sidebar for his giveaway and just thought I'd tell you that I'm giving the chance to win a little girls pink tote on todays post..if there are any who'd like it in your world.

  2. thank you for sharing the laneway installation. Roberta

  3. Just stunning, Deb. What a brilliant initiative this is. Plaudits to the people behind it. You captured it all so beautifully as well. Thanks so much for linking up with the POTMC. J x


Thanks for visting Let's go Moerkabout. Please leave a little message I love hearing what you have to say :)