
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


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Roger Federrer better look out, there are 3 new tennis players on the block. 

Well kind of.

The two older kids decided that they would like to play tennis this summer so I took them down yesterday to buy racquets. (is that the correct way to spell it?)

I haven't bought a tennis racquet for many years.  Some things never change though. You find the size grip you are comfortable with, then the weight needs to feel right and the price needs to be right for Mums wallet. Not too cheap and nasty and not too expensive because you will look like a tosser.

We played hours of front yard tennis, hitting the ball with monotonous regularity into the neighbours gardens and spent ages searching for lost balls amongst the shrubbery.

I was in my element, reliving my glory days of the Sunnyside tennis club, playing juniors in the morning and B special in the afternoon. Reminiscing about the sponge cakes at the Natimuk tennis club and the jelly slice at lawn. I lived and breathed tennis.

Thankfully the kids took it all in and marvelled (cough cough) at my tennis tales. 

We even ventured to the courts in the evening for a "real hit".  Now days most of the courts are kept under lock and key. There is only one dodgy set left open for learners like us.

I do declare the hit was a success although my youngest was complaining last night of a sore thumb on his tennis hand.

As we speak the kids are out the front again, perfecting their dodgy swings and fighting about who has to retrieve the balls.  

On second thoughts, I think Roger might be safe for a few more seasons.

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  1. The fun of playing sport out the eventually lose enough of your equipment you find a new sport....

  2. My children don't have time for tennis, but i know they'd be great. I was thinking of picking up some racquets from the Recycle Centre at the tip as we can use the tennis courts (brand new, attached to a super school) any time, or the beautiful refurbished ones at Duntroon. Could be an ace school holiday activity. Maybe we could gather up all our children & hit balls at Roger?? No i adore him, he has twins too!! Love Posie
    PS i think the fancy chicken you were channelling was a Sussex, a Suffolk is a sheep (the cutest ones with the black faces, adore!!)

  3. Welcome to my world. My boy plays 6 times a week and I can hear him practising on the net outside now. I can't tell you how many things he's broken with wayward tennis balls flying at incredible speeds. Glad your kids are enjoying it. It's such a great sport.

  4. 6 times a week. That's a lot. I hope mine enjoy it. I loved it as a kid.

  5. I had tennis lessons as a kid and loved it. I played a lot on weekends right up until my uni years but haven't done it in a long time, just on the wii. It's a great sport. I remember mum got me one of those balls on elastic so you could practice with yourself. Might save the kids fighting after lost balls?

  6. Roger is definitely safe around my kids but they do love a a good game of tennis. It's funny when you start to get the hang of it - it can bee quite addictive. Like you, it brings back happy memories of Dunlop Volleys and tennis whites!



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