
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chicken Taj Mahal

The school holidays well under way and it has been a hive of industry around here.
I have been decluttering, starting with the dreaded bathroom cupboard and doing lots of little jobs like framing family portraits etc.
Mr M has been busy building a nesting/roosting box for our chooks.  
If you read this blog you will know our chooks have started laying beautiful eggs for us.  Unfortunately they have been laying them in a compost bin that is very hard to get to.
so without further ado.

I give you, 
the chicken Taj Mahal......

This is honey (dark silkie) and Pepper, (light silkie) discussing their new home.

The 3 isa browns enjoying scratching in the dirt.

Honey testing a perch.

I think they are discussing wall colour and flooring choices!

Porridge the dark Isa brown, checking out the nesting boxes.

Let's hope the girls are snug and happy in there and reward us with more eggs.


  1. It looks wonderful and nice to see the girls have taken to it so well. How could they not be happy here?

    1. thanks, I jolly well hope they are happy. They have been talked too a lot and very well fed these holidays.

  2. Next thing you know, they'll be demanding curtains so the summer sun doesn't wake them up so early in the morning!

  3. That's no sow's ear! Here's to many laid eggs. xx

  4. I love chickens! We had some at our last house and my husband has dreamed up the new chicken house he'll make when we move again. Funny little creatures! (And we LOVE eggs!)

    1. Excellent, can't wait for him to build it. Men love a good project don't they!

  5. They really are so cute, and I love their house!

  6. Beautiful! Love your photos. I'd love chickens but we don't have the space. The coop is just fantastic!

    1. Thank you Janelle. It is a shame you don't have the space. They are such funny characters.

  7. It truly is a casa!! I love chickens, my family has a farm and I've always loved gathering eggs :)

  8. That looks like 5 star accommodation ... your chooks are very spoilt indeed! You have a clever hubby.


  9. That chooky penthouse is very very posh! Those girls should be so pleased that they lay you the most amazing eggs as thanks! X

  10. It's so sweet! Love it! And love their names even more. Nothing like fresh eggs that are free range like that - such yellow yolks :)


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