
Moerkey Art

This is technically Mr M's page, but seeing as Mr M is ahem, a little technologically challenged.I have been a lovely wife and agreed to let him take over a little slice of my blog.

Mr M has been busy in the shed making up all manner of arty things using old keys.

I would love to tell you how he does it, but, hey, then I would have to shoot you! LOL

If you have any questions or would like to enquire about prices and postage then please contact Mr M at his Moerkey email address on the blog sidebar.

Here is a sample of some of his goodies.

small key ball diameter 12cm

medium key ball diameter 18.5cm

Large keyball diameter 23cm

football length 23 cm

medium and small 

Small Key bowl

Fire away with any questions and stay tuned for the Moerkey Art shop coming soon.


  1. Hubby may be technically challenged - but he certainly has skill in the key art department !
    Brilliant work :)

  2. That is super awesome. I love how cool it looks. Key art.

  3. Since he won't share his secret on how to make these LoL Are they for sale???

  4. I love, love, LOVE your Key Balls! How do you do it???


Thanks for visting Let's go Moerkabout. Please leave a little message I love hearing what you have to say :)