
Monday, June 7, 2010

Cubby antics.

This is the kids cubby.  It is tucked away down in the back corner of the garden, next to the compost yard, nearly out of sight of the house.

Last weekend a plot was hatched to catch and trap a particularly fearsome.....

fluff ball, called Lulu.
Bait, consisting of dog food and walnuts was used.
Along with lots of screams, yells and squeals.
Lulu prevailed and outsmarted the 3 trappers. 

This is the current interior of the cubby. Over the January school holidays it morphed from "Cafe Latte" to an office/headquarters.

No doubt it will change again, next holidays.

image - Ideal Home Magazine
Ideal Home Magazine

Ideal Home Magazine

Ideal Home Magazine

I think one day the cubby could become a small grown up office like the one above.

I am sure Lulu would join me quite happily.

The Moerks


  1. Oh LuLu is just soooooooooo cute! I would also be trying to trap her, so I could give her big cuddles!

    It's funny, my post this morning is also a bit cubby related.

    Have a great Monday,

  2. What an adorable pooch! I used to love my cubby house when I was little. Dad now uses it as a home for his budgies when they're nesting in their cages and having babies. That sort of sounds weird when I write it down!

  3. Cubby houses are a great place to let the kids' imagination run wild, isn't it? The kids would sleep in ours if we would let them and if they were brave enough!!

  4. I love the cubby house, looks like lots of fun was had! Our girls have one too, but it is pretty tiny, but the girls don't seem to mind!!...Your Lulu is so cute!!! Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Tina xx

  5. What a great cubby, I think it would be perfect for an office later on. Lulu is so cute! xx

  6. Very cool cubby! My boys would die for one of those. Have a great week!

  7. Someone had a fun weekend! Love the cubby and can see it as a cute little office down the track.

  8. How gorgeous to be a kid and have your own cubby house:)

  9. The good old cubby, nothing like it. It's all my girls talk about - cubby houses..Love the scarf and brooch by the way..Rachaelxx

  10. Ohh, Lulu is so adorable. I do like the idea of your kids cubby one day becoimg your own private little office. How cool would that be.

  11. Can't wait to get our own Mr LuLu!

  12. Oh Lulu is so cute,is she a Labradoodle, our dog is, we think she is so cute. Great cubby. We have one also tucked away in the corner and I must do something to it, turn it into a cafe for the boys, they do so love babycinnos.


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