
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quick project

A quick project.

These are some very quick and simple scarves I made under Miss B's supervision.
I bought a skein of woolly stuff from Spotlight. It came in a circle and was loosely tied flat. (hope that makes sense). I just sewed back and forth across the skein using a large straight stitch and a variety of colours. I tried to evenly space the sewn sections and left a bigger gap at the end where I cut across the skein to make the scarf.

I finished if off with a little brooch, again made using a button from spotlight and finished with a little knot of embroidery cotton.

Miss B. wears the blue one to school in the mornings and I wear the cream one. We have a rainbow skein upstairs waiting for a rainy day and for the sewing mood to come along.
I think we will be fighting for the coloured one.

Hope you are having a good weekend.

The Moerks

joining in here


  1. Awesome!! Seriously, really good! I can see I'm going to have to take a little trip to Spotlight you clever clogs.

  2. Wow, I've never heard of or seen a skein before, but those scarfs look fantastic! Well done!

  3. They are very, very clever..I think Spotlight are going to have a stampede on their hands ...Kym X

  4. The scarves look really effective, how clever of you!

  5. Deb, these look absolutely gorgeous!! I wish we had a Spotlight a bit closer...may have to make the drive to the big smoke (Tamworth...chuckle....) to get me a hank or two of wool! I absolutely love your scarves and the brooches too! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing. ~ Tina xx

  6. Ooooh I love them! What a clever idea! I will have to go for a visit to Spotlight and stock up, I will have to make some in a few different colours of course! xx

  7. Your scarves are brilliant!! I don't think I have ever seen scarves anything like them. So original and with a lot of style. Lovely!!! Susan :)

  8. They look great! I love the colour of the blue one :) Very clever!

  9. Your scarves are great, I just love them!

  10. Wow, these are so cool!! Love the blue one. It looks like the kind of sewing that even i could manage - might have to pay Spotlight a visit!

  11. What an interesting way to use wool. Ver unique. I personally love the cream one....that would look great with my Winter coat.

  12. They look fantastic! I like the white with the brooch, ooooh very nice.

  13. Your wooly stuff scarves are so beautiful! I love them both but I'd probably fight over the rainbow one, too. Thank you for linking with Air Your Laundry Friday! - Jami


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