
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bight your head off.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Great Australian Bight, it is the bit of Australia, in the middle of the bottom. Imagine if Australia was a funny shaped apple and someone came along and took an enormous greedy bite out of the bottom, there it is, the bight.

The bit of Australia their front teeth hit, is called the Head of the Bight, that is Northern most part. Clear as mud right!

It is a very welcome distraction on the drive across the Nullabor I can tell you!

Mothers of the world say it with me


It is wild and rugged and has soaring, crumbling cliffs.

The very head is a nursery for Southern Right Whales.
We saw heaps of mothers and their calves.

It was a tad chilly.

But truly spectacular!

The Moerks


  1. You crack me up. Yes, that's far enough indeed! Spectacular scenery - it looks too good to be real. xx

  2. Hello Moerks!
    Yes, it looks like a big bite! If one day I go to Australia, certainly I would like to know this place! Here in Brazil we have "falésias" in some of beaches in Bahia that seams that one in Australia.
    I really like to be here!!!


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