
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Nulla boring

We had never been across the Nullabor before.

It is well named, Null latin for something like none and arbour meaning trees, put it together and you get Nullabor or treeless plain.

See no trees.

Very, very boring.

It actually took us ages to find a sign, and for the most part there were plenty of trees and scrub. But it was very mind numbing.  Mind you between driving stints I was busy, reading the paper, doing the quiz, keeping up with the latest magazine gossip or "current affairs" as I like to call it. I think I managed to amuse myself quite well. The kids didn't like my singing out loud and the boys were nearly reduced to tears with my Taylor Swift sing alongs, (I think they were impressed I knew all the words to Jett and Kings of Leon though).

The Moerks


  1. Ha, ha, yes no trees. Looks very boring! .. at least you can say you have done it! Let's give the post a try with the stick insect eggs and I will try to nuture them to life! Thanks so much Deb. Will try the chux method! A-M xx

  2. I am preparing the little eggs for their grand adventure as we type. I am requesting they stay snuggled inside their egg and then spring into life as soon as your little one makes them feel at home.

  3. MOTH's wanted to drive to Perth for years. Over my dead body. Trapped in the car with Mr. Grumpy for 3 days & the marriage would be over before we hit the W.A. border from Adelaide. Be strong, this too will pass.
    Millie ^_^

  4. Hi Debbie,

    I've been checking out your blog. It looks like a great trip up North.

    Be great to see you all one day.

    Cheers, Kim.


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