
Monday, November 15, 2010

More fluffy stuff, a coffee filter lantern! Cupcake challenge.

How clever is this!

Clever gal Nichole from A Parlour home blog 
made this clever soft lantern by attaching coffee filters to a simple paper lantern.

Visit Nichole here.

I can only imagine the sticky mess I would end up with.

But, the end result is well worth the effort.

images - A parlour home

Don't forget to enter the Travelling Cupcake Challenge.
All you need to do is
Think of a witty comment for
"What is the Cupcake saying to the girl"
then head over here and leave a comment


  1. Absolutely gorgeous lightshade Deb!! I saw a wreath made the same way last week. Hope you had a wonderful weekend:) Wishing you a fabulous Monday. I am off to follow the link to visit Nichole, thanks for sharing ~ Txx

  2. What a project! But it looks SO amazing~ very unique and chic!!

  3. Thanks for sharing that Deb. I'll have a go at most things but I couldn't imagine trying that...even though I have two of those shades and I do love what Nicole's done. Awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing where Cuppie goes next too:)

  4. I think this is VERY clever and much more fun than just the plain ball. Really great idea!


  5. Hello Deb
    Simply lovely!!!
    I have no words to so criativity!
    A big hug from Brazil!

  6. Crumbs I'd love just one zillionth of that girl's patience!! If I attempted this the Burns Unit would have to get a bed ready, as my clumsy fingers & hot glue gun are a lethal combo.
    Millie ^_^


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