
Friday, November 19, 2010

The travelling cupcake is moving on...& Friday Flower

 That's right, it's time for the Moerks to say farewell
 to Cuppie the Travelling Cupcake and wish her well on her travels.

Cuppie was sent to us from Kerry A Tranquil Townhouse and she came with us on a camping trip in Victoria, Australia.

You can read about it here.

Cuppie made some friends in our crockery cupboard.

We had a lovely time.
Now it is time for Cuppie to wing her way across the seas to Old Blighty
to the delightful Melissa of Miss Sew & So.
Who in conjunction with her daughter Ella came up with this line for this picture....

the cup cake is saying....

"oh my god....she's not listening to me...she's just gonna eat me!"
Good one Melissa and Ella!

I must say it was very hard to choose and I also cracked up when I read this one

Jeez if only I could get these eyes open I might be able to see what I"m eating.
From Overthehilbutgreatview
The cupcake said to the girl " you cant eat me , we must be related, look we both have a big brown mole on our face !"
from  Karyn, Hope Island Home and Living

Cuppie is the brainfood brainchild of 
Dianna from One Crafty Fox
who started this whole challenge off.

So bye bye Cuppie, hope you have fun with Melissa and her family.

Linking up
with Miss Sew & So and a Place for tea for 
Friday Flower.


  1. Well done Deb...what a time you've given dear old Cuppie. Can't wait to see what the lovely Melissa and her fam get up to with the little jetsetting necklace :)

  2. Dear Travelling Cupcake, may you be unhindered by large fingered Customs Agents and hungry Customs dogs.

  3. Hilarious. This cupcake is better travelled than me! xx

  4. Yay! So glad Cuppie had a good time down in the country and is off to another Aussie - but this time in old Blighty! Go Cuppie!

  5. ooooohhhhhhh deb......we are sooo excited!!!!
    ella is particularly going to love this....combining her endless photography & a project....this is going to be one happy cupcake!

    huge hugs & thanks from us to you>>>xxx
    melissa & ella

  6. Yay! So thrilled Cuppie is on her way to see Melissa ;)

  7. Oh there's cuppy, i was following her on Kerry's blog, out of Canberra she went . . . love Posie

  8. Oh I love the winning line...

    The others are cool too. So cute.


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