
Friday, December 24, 2010

Ginger bread house, the tradition continues.

 The tradition of making and decorating a gingerbread house on Christmas Eve continues.


Miss B. helps spread the mess ingredients all over the benches.

After baking piping takes place.

Followed by assembly.

Further piping and decorating.

Ta da.....

This year there is a new addition,
the Aussie outdoor dunny!
courtesy of Master B.

Again to steal a line from Faux Fuschia.
I present the Let's go Moerkabout Gingerbread house 2011.
"Never knowingly underdecorated!"

Wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas.
Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all.

Thanks to my bloggy and non bloggy friends
for their support and friendship over the last year,
and finally,
May all your days be Merry and Bright.


  1. Cute gingerbread house and super cute kitchen too! Merry Christmas to you and your family Deb! ~the other Deb~

  2. Now that is a Gingerbread House. Dunny and all. You guys think of everything. I have very much enjoyed visiting you this year - the outback adventure was truly amazing. Have a Merry Christmas!

  3. What a great tradition for Christmas Eve - your gingerbread house looks so yummy!! Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow celebrating with your family Deb xx

  4. Fabulous gingerbreadhouse, we bought 2 this year from Shop Handmade, so at least it was indeed handmade with love!! Have a gorgeous Christmas, love Posie

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hope you have a fabulous day.

    Lots of love xoxo

  6. Isn't that fantastic and I love the Aussie dunny. No, definitely not under-decorated. Just great. Have a lovely Christmas xx

  7. Oh, Deb, you're a legend! Wait until you see the shemozzle the pixies created ☺. I'm so delighted to have found you in the vast expanses of Blogland this year. J x

  8. Looks gorgeous! Merry Christmas Deb, I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog in the New Year! xx

  9. LOVE the dunny!!!

    gorgeous tradition deb!

    hope you had a brilliant day with your loved ones...

    melissa xxx

  10. hee hee I love it !! looks like total YUM - best le

  11. This is fabulous, and the little outdoor dunny hilarious! Excellent ginger bread house, and 10/10 for the decorators!!


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