
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Take 6.

Christmas is over, we had a lovely time. Now we get to spend some time chilling out.

Here are 6 quick snaps, one for each of us, taken at 4pm this afternoon.

Guess who?

We girls are putting our feet up!

No rest for some. Mr M re-levelling the paving.

Master S making himself a new workbench.

Master B cleaning our camping shoe box in preparation for our 
beach holiday.

Lulu, who is just so happy to have everybody around.

Hope you are having fun, whatever you are doing.


  1. Hello Deb
    I wish a happy new year full of lights for you and your lovely family in another side of the ocean!!!

  2. I love seeing the industrious hard at work and the less industrious enjoying a break! xx

  3. I love that you incuded Lulu, what a sweetie!

  4. Looks very relaxing over there!
    And next Christmas he will be leveling the pavers again :)

  5. what industrious lads you have :) le

  6. Don't believe for a second you are taking a well earned rest, but we're glad you enjoyed your Christmas in the sun (despite the locusts - yuk!)


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