
Monday, April 4, 2011

chooky love and a giveaway.

Have I ever told you about the lovely silky bantams we used to have?
They were called Delores, Pam and Kira.

They used to roam freely around our back garden, grazing on weeds and fallen fruit.

Delores was the longest living and our favourite.
She used to eat out of the dog bowl, 
at the same time as our long departed faithful pet Bramble the black fluffy dog.

She was also rather partial to sharing a meaty bone.

It was quite a sight, fluffy black dog and fluffy black hen, 
sharing a bowl or a bone
side by side.

She followed us around and was really quite a social chook.

In the evening she would toddle off to her luxury home.

Leaving Bramble alone to eat the fallen fruit.

I had such a lovely time going through the photo album to find photos of these two characters.

I unearthed some photos of our past rennovations.

We looked sooooo young.
Mr M. had hair!

back to the giveaway.

The giveaway is for one linen/cotton blend
 t towel with some red chooks printed on it.
a selection of chooky print offcuts made into little gift cards.

I picked these up from a lovely seller
called Firetail when I went to the Grampians texture market, that I blogged about here.

Firetail stand at the market.

How to enter:

Simply leave a comment on this post.
Everybody is welcome,
Follower or not.
Entries close midnight Thursday 7th April.

Winner will be announced
Friday 8th of April.

Good luck.
Linking up here


  1. Thanks Deb. I'd love to have a go at winning! I'm quite partial to chooks. Perhaps it's because I was born in the year of the rooster. Could explain quite a lot :)
    Love your photos and such a great story. No wonder you enjoyed raiding the photo stash

  2. We've been thinking about getting chooks! I love bantems although I can get a little scared of them when they flap around a lot. Looks like Delores thought she was a dog! Thanks for the lovely giveaway I would love to be included!
    Have a great day Deb,

  3. Hi Deb, looove chooks! I have 2 Isa browns and they are so funny! I love my girls!! (they are the only ones I have!!!) And you cant beat the eggs - fresh every morning!!! In fact , they are the easiest pets I have ever had. I was totally against the idea at first.. my husband wanted them and I gave in ~ I soon changed my mind about them though!!! Oh, such a wonderful giveaway too! I`d love to be included!!
    Hugs, Laura xxx

  4. I can't wait to get my chooks, we took the kids down to the local supplier and had a look the other day, my little Tobey wanted to take one home there and then. I told the kids they could name their own, can't wait to see what name he comes up with for his one. Batman, Buzz Lighter ??
    Possibilities are endless.
    Mekaela x

  5. Those chooks look gorgeous. I'd love to win your giveaway.
    Mandy Hawkins.

  6. I love the photo of Delores and Bramble sharing the bone. There is no way our dog would share anything with our chooks, in fact quite the opposite. He sneaks into the chook run to eat there scraps. I would love to enter your giveaway! xx

  7. Lovely post Deb - I was wondering what it was you'd be giving away... a dozen eggs?? Your lovely T-towel and cards would be most welcome in my villa life. As would the eggs but transport could be difficult. Thanks for the chance to enter! A x

  8. You always make me smile, Deb, with your original little tales. Mr PB would love us to have chooks but I figure I already have enough to handle as it is. What a sweet giveaway. J x

  9. Delores the chook gnawing away at a bone is such a delightful story. She was like a dog dressed in chicken feathers by the sounds of it.

    And I'm always up for tea towels, so count me in Deb! xx

  10. Renovations make husbands lose hair faster than any other actvity known to man. I don't care, as long as their sense of humour doesn't leave with the hair. MOTH might finally offer to wipe the dishes if he had these chookie beauties to do it with Deb.
    Millie x

  11. Oooh, I'd love to be in the running for your lovely giveaway! We used to have Silkies when I was little, they were funny birds. We also had spotty Hamburgs. I even had my photo in the Country Times newspaper holding one of Dad's prizewinning birds. Oh the good ol days!!

  12. Those linens look gorgeous, I would love to be in the running to (it's the only running I'll ever do)! I love your chooky pics, I miss having chooks, they are so funny to watch in the garden! X

  13. kids are going to LOVE this story...they tell anyone that will listen that we are getting chooks!!!
    They've obviously overheard us say how we'd love them when we get home to oz...but maybe here in the countryside IS the perfect spot!!

    Love the personality of brilliant!
    Melissa xx

  14. Such a great story, as for the giveaway, looks fantastic, thanks, count me in, bok cluck bok bok cluck. Love Posie

  15. This is exciting, I am so happy many of you are chooky people. I really miss our Delores, she was such a great old chook! Deb

  16. Hi dear Deb
    Well I've never owned chooks so can't really say if I am a chooky person or not.. but love the flat variety on those tea towels.. what a lovely giveaway.. you're so kind!! .. and thanks for your kind words my way.. much appreciated.. Have a lovely week.. ciao xxxx Julie

  17. Hi Deb, I love Delores and her gang - how awesome are they, and Yes please sign me up for this great and generous giveaway. Have a stunning week .-busy bee:O)
    A xx

  18. The chooks are wonderful! And I love red and white textiles, so please enter me into your fab giveaway. Thanks x

  19. Deb, please count me in too! We have chooks roaming up and down our side fence which belong to our neighbours who often give us eggs. Is it time for some more in your backyard? ;-)

  20. I love the black chooks. The photo of Delores and Bramble together is so sweet.
    Love your giveaway, so please put my name in the hat.

  21. God I love stories like the one you shared in this post. They make me smile, being an animal over and how they become part of our lves. Our friends xox

    Thanks for the chance to win xox

  22. I would love to get chooks and was planning to until we found out my little boy is allergic to eggs. Good news most kids grow out of the allergy by 5 so here's hoping and then we can get some chooks and enjoy collecting eggs. Love the giveaway too. Gx

  23. Great photos and memories you have of Dolores and Bramble. Our next door neighbour in the UK had chickens and eggs never tasted so good as the fresh ones that we used to get every week. We don't have any here in Australia, although my little eight year old has adopted one who lives back in England. She has named her Skippy and she gets updates from her owner. The latest told us that Skippy was enjoying some porridge for breakfast!
    Thanks for the chance at your lovely giveaway.

  24. We have two chooks, started off with 17. The foxes had a party taking out 11 of them in one go!! We didnt even know there was a hole and so small too. They didnt take them, just killed them and left them everywhere!! Sorry for the depressing story. But Henny & Penny - sooo original love eating out of the dog bowl too and devour the daily scraps we throw them, I think they are happy being only two....Generous and Lovely giveaway, would be very happy to win.
    Rebecca x

  25. What a lovely story of two friends:) I wish we could have some chickens - but this yard is too small for them + our dog.

    Please include me in your little giveaway. I have those markets earmarked for next year.

  26. I wrote a book called 'Chooks in they City' because I wanted to share with people what lovely creatures they are to have around and my most favorite feedback has been from people who were so very surprised at how their new chooks had become much-loved parts of the family. Thanks for shairng your lovely Silkies, they bring back very fond memories of my own :)

  27. Love a good chook... on a tea towel, in the oven, pecking around the garden... I'm in! Georgie x

  28. Oh Deb I would love to enter your giveeaway...thanks for the chance. Kym X


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