
Saturday, April 2, 2011

World Autism Day

I don't normally talk work on this blog but today is World Autism Awareness Day.
We started off the day with a Autism Walk along the banks of our beautiful river.

Then released coloured balloons.

At this point my battery died. So thanks to the magic of google images, here is an idea of how pretty it looked.

Then I have been trying to download a fantastic free Ipad, pod or phone app.
It is called Graceapp.

It is a fantastic resource for
any child with Autism or any child with communication difficulties.

It will be free to download today,
bear with them, they have had some techincal difficulties.
Just wait for the app to be set to free
You can down load it and have free updates forever.
Please pass this along to anybody you think would benefit.
( I have no affiliation with Graceapp, just a passion for working with kids with additional needs).


  1. #worldautismawarenessday #GraceApp - permanent update overriding temporary freebie. Fixed in next hour -don't click til u see: FREE! 

  2. What a worthwhile cause, the day looked like it was wonderful. The images of the colored balloons rising against the blue sky suggests something beautiful like colourful souls being set free! X

  3. It is a terriffic day to drwa attention to a largly underfunded and misundertood topic.

    My sister in Law and her husband own a couple of schools (The Behaviour Institute) for autistic kids and he has written a book. I have learned so much over the years about Autism. It is extremely hard on the families and I am glad you brought attention to this day.

  4. This is a great thing to spotlight on your blog. As a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist, I too get to experience all of the joys and challenges of working with children with ASD.

  5. Well done for working with these children, it sounds like a great day! Rachaelxx

  6. Sounds like a great way to start your day...good for you Deb! ...the other Deb


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