
Friday, May 27, 2011

new boots

Do you remember a short while back, I was waxing lyrical about my desire for gumboots or Wellies.
I found some.
A bit of a bargain.

They are not Hunters, not by any stretch of the imagination.

I have photographed them with fresh grass and mud from my morning trip to the clothesline in situ.

I like to pretend I am trudging around on my country estate.

(Yes definitely too much Escape to the Country has been watched in our house). Speaking of which, it is on tonight!

If you need me I'll be outside jumping in the puddles doing important gardening things!


  1. Great wellies! I'd like a pair too, even some ankle ones would be handy. Yes, I'm an Escape to the Country tragic as well. Lyndon teases me about it.

  2. Deb...your boots are to die for! Yes, I can see you walking around your estate. Although we don't get this show here [not that I know of}, it sounds good. Enjoy your wellies, they are lovely!


  3. Oh yay, you got some!! They're great :)

  4. Thank you Sarah, Jane and Amanda. Guess what? I saw the same ones today in a gorgeous red. They were very very nice, but 3 times the price. I will add then to the list.

  5. Oh i got me some Laura Ashley gum boots last week, love them, so warm & toasty with football socks. They are so practical, i walk the dog in them in Winter, take them to the snow, they are shoe solving perfection. Love Posie
    (sorry about the anonymous comment, damn Blogger won't let me log in)

  6. They are fabulous boots....I can picture you on your estate.

  7. Ah, ha! Great minds think alike, Deb. Now we're both kitted out for jumping in puddles ☺. J x

  8. Err em, just to be clear. Our "country estate" is our 1/4 acre block. I do frequently picture myself in a real country property and for now have to make to with visiting a friends lovely farm.

  9. Great boots. I came back with some wellies the other day and husband took one look, rolled his eyes and just said "Have you forgotten that we live in Queensland...?" I know I don't really need them, but you just never know, and they were a bargain too!

  10. I think they are a fashion statement of a way of life we'd like to live. Mine are hardware/feed store style, black with a red rim and the top and red rim around the sole (farmers boots). I put mine on and splash through the creek for no particular reason. I love them.

  11. Love the boots, they are great. Really loving the bird coat hook too.
    Where did you get it, I think I might NEED one of those.

  12. Rubber boots of the most stylish variety for sure! Different smell from leather ones though hey? The hey is a nod to my years spent in Queensland, though strictly speaking I should have added a 'what'!! Have a great weekend. Hope there's lots of water and mud to slosh about in:)

  13. OOOOH! I love them! Being a bargain is a bonus!
    I think I need some too now.... I love your coat rack as well, it does look very country style with your boots! X

  14. Oh they're gorgeous.... and it is a 'country estate'... to me anyway.... you have a garden... with plants... that's country to me, in my brick jungle here! A-M xx

  15. I was in my wellies this morning. Mine are not glam like yours - being desperate moment Bunnings specials. Your fire looks very inviting, which I suppose it would be when one has been romping around ones estate with the laundry of a morning.
    You just can't beat a good pair of wellies.

  16. Those are smashing boots, very smart, and very practical too. Me want!

  17. You're a hoot Deb! Those boots have lucked in by landing at your place. Of course they won't be truly run in until you've slipped on your matching footy socks.
    Millie x

  18. Oh brilliant Deb. Stylish wellies are so you. We often refer to our place as The Estate. So far from the truth but it gives us comfort. xx


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