
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Simple and fresh and a whoopsie.



Saidos de concha via IDA lifestyle

This is what I am loving right now.
Just simple and fresh.
Not too fussy.
Not too styled.

I think it must be something to do with the weather warming up.
Does this happen to you from time to time?

I am going to keep these happy images in mind when I go to the car place later today.
I had a whoopsie with the gate post.
Just a gentle nudge with the back car tail light.
$490 dollar it is going to cost.
Our excess if $500 grrrrr.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.


  1. I like those shots too. I'm in the mood for simple. What a pain about your car!xx

  2. Gorgeous shots. I think the warmer spring weather calls for simplicity and clutter free decor. What a bummer about your car!

  3. I do love the yvestown blog. Very pretty.
    Oh what a major bummer about your car! Very very pesky!

  4. Hi Deb,

    I love these images. They make me feel calm and cool just by looking at them.
    I also find it very annoying when gate posts get in the way of where you need to go. Never mind it's only a little whoopsie. :)
    Kel x

  5. Gorgeous images for the home! Id forgotten about the yvestown blog. so lovely.

    I once backed into one car while driving our other. Yep two cars at once. Problem solved by giving one car to our daughter and not worrying about fixing the other. Think of it this way, you save $10? sorry

  6. Loving the simple..sometimes I find it hard to refrain from the clutter. Gorgeous images. Don't you just hate that...with the car..always seems to be the way it goes ..Hmmmm it could have been worse...though..simple, happy thoughts X

  7. Hmm, loving the aesthetic as well, Deb. Especially the last lamp. *Grumble* about the car. J x

  8. I am loving those white floors my friend...pure joy. Hugs to you.xoxo

  9. Oh Deb...b****y gates!!

    Don't think you'll be indulging in that gorgeous aqua lamp just yet...but I agree when the weather changes to spring you want to simplify and clear out...hence spring cleaning life...

    when autumn hits you want to snuggle up- and wished you'd finished all your outdoor projects!!

    melissa xx

  10. Gates...they have a nasty habit of jumping out at you when you least expect it. A bit like a kangaroo!

  11. HI Deb,
    Not sure if PB will ship big furniture but they are doing lighting and other homewares.. Will have to stay away until I can afford to splurge.
    I love your images here they are lovely and fresh. Great inspiration as I am in the process of setting up the kids play / games room and want it to be fun and fresh.
    Will post some pics when done.

  12. simple and fresh = gorgeous! oopsie = bummer :(


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