
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Which one would you choose?

Are you a clean lines, everything put away?


More of a see it and use it kind of person?

Do you need a clean slate to think or a little chaos to create?

Can you guess which one I would choose?

Images via IDA lifestyle.


  1. that second picture literally stressed me out as soon as i saw it... so... the first picture is me!

  2. Definitely the second shot. That's me at my neatest!

  3. Ha this is great Deb. Hmmm let me think... the top tidy pic is how I would present my study for a photo op but the messy pic is closer to reality!

  4. Hello Deb

    I love the first one - but do know what - i think the 2nd one is better.
    I need a new creative space and I think I want that

    have a great day


  5. Chaos to create! I like that, might have to pinch it :)

  6. I think you would definitely choose number 2. So would I! Rachaelxx

  7. I would choose number one, yet I am definitely a number 2.!

  8. See it and use it, definitely! If I can't see it, I forget about it, and if I forget about it, I can't get energy or inspiration from it. Great pics and a great question - thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm definitely a #1 girl, Deb. I suspect you're a #2. J x

  10. Is it greedy to want them both? Think I'd hit my head a lot in number 2 though, so number 1! X

  11. You are dead right so far, no 2 is so much more me. I would love to be like no 1 but to tell you the truth, no 2 is even a bit tidy for me.

  12. I think I'm a bit of both! I have to sometimes tidy thing away before I can get statrted as I can't concentrate in chaos, but as I work I need things around me.
    I think the first image is a bit too clinical for me, but I would probably be drawn to that one before the other.

  13. I love the idea of Number one best, however as I sit amongst the squalor that is my desk, Number two is the reality. xx

  14. Can't do neat in the midst of a 10 year reno!
    Millie x


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