
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DIY art and Fossil crush.

On a recent trip to Perth for work, I developed a bit of a crush on Fossil hand bags.

So upon returning home I hit the internet and looked up their website.
To my utter joy,
I found they have a lovely blog.

On the blog I found this DIY artwork made by potato stamping.

I might just have to give it a go.

The link is here

I must say I rather like the look of the pooch. She or he is the same colour as Lulu but with much longer legs. 

ps I haven't forgotten to show my Ikea goodies, I just haven't taken the photos off the camera yet.


  1. Love that print...might give that a go. I have just the spot. Thanks.
    Ness xx

  2. I assumed the first pic was your pooch standing under artwork!
    Fossil handbags are so lovely, when I go shopping I veer towards the bag section just to admire them.

    1. No Annie, it wasn't Lulu, it was a dog from the Fossil site. The dog did draw me in to the picture though.

  3. I really like that potato print - I thought at first glance it must have been circles of paint samples cut out because they looked so precise. What a clever idea - I like the different shades of the one colour. Might give this one a go some time myself, thanks for the link.

    How nice you were over my way, even if it was for work :) Pity we haven't had nicer weather for you. That Fossil blog looks good...will have to have a proper browse through later x


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